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  • He thought it was best to laugh at him rather than to hit him meanly .
  • Her house was meanly furnished, and she was not in such repute for her practice as before .
  • She had no business to be so friendly to a young man of whom their brother thought so meanly .
  • His demagogues, who bear names like aaron blue-skin, are as meanly truculent as cooper's anti-renters .
  • Don ' t you think too meanly of yourself
  • But remind you recent failure due meanly your indecision
  • " good men ever interpret themselves too meanly , " said the physician
    “好心的人从来都是把自己说得十分卑微的, ”医生说。
  • " we shall nobly save or meanly lose the last , best hope of earth .
    “我们将崇高地挽救活卑贱地丧失地球上最后最好地希望。 ”
  • There it was all spiritual . here it was all material , and meanly material
  • He is meanly dressed
  • It's difficult to see meanly in a sentence. 用meanly造句挺难的
  • We shall nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope of earth
  • Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of the fluid inclusion in quartz indicates that the water in ore - forming fluid was derived meanly from mixture water of meteoric and magmatic
  • Transportation of total nitrogen is meanly effected by precipitation , irrigation , rate of fertilizer application of agriculture , permeability of soil and thickness of unsaturated zone et al
  • It meanly analyzes the prospect , system construct and risk protections of developing the regional capital market . it brings forth that the prospects of the regional capital market lies in standard and open
  • Contrast experiment shows that multi - time factors can improve the quality of prediction equations and make effective rate reach 90 . 0 percents and reduce sum of residual squares 23 . 8 percents meanly
    对比试验表明,多时刻因子可改善大多数预报方程的质量,有效率达90 . 0 % ;多时刻因子使预报误差明显减小,预报方程的残差平方和平均减少23 . 8 % 。
  • At the same time , the precipitation and runoff are not only distributed not meanly and changed a lot yearly , but also have evident difference in area distribution , so the effect of drought on every area is not the same
  • This paper is mainly about land clutter and sea clutter . it meanly introduced scatter character , radar echo signal range , and power spectrum model . in the end , a hardware realization of producing a specified power spectrum is given
  • There are several galleries ( or some of them , meanly shops dealing with traditional chinese calligraphy and painting ) in wanshun road , such as jinyi , shuiyuan , guangqi , qishan and lixin etc . which endows the 300 - meters long street with culture showplace in this city
  • Being a new kind of general problem - solving paradigm inspired by the principle of biology evolution , evolutionary computation ( ec ) is meanly used for solving optimization problem , and has found great many of successful applications in machine learning ( ml )
  • Cotton fiber of polyester series has fine performance in resisting being eroded and only a small part is eroded meanly . the effect of erosion on bacterium - resisting viscose fiber is not obvious , while the effect on burning - resisting viscose fiber is the most obvious
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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