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  • The first track released was titled " The Mandalorian Blockade ".
  • THE MANDALORIAN ARMOR, by K . W . Jeter . ( Spectra/
  • Fett, Bevin and Cham, another Mandalorian warrior, spearhead the assault.
  • A story arc in season three centers on corruption in the Mandalorian government.
  • Qel-Droma defeated Lord Mandalore, earning the services of the Mandalorian warriors.
  • Sircar provides the voice of Sabine Wren, a Mandalorian graffiti artist and explosives expert.
  • Boba Fett wears his father's old red and green Mandalorian armor to honor him.
  • Shortly thereafter, the Mandalorian fleet seen in Zayne's vision appears out of hyperspace.
  • In " Legends ", Mandalore is the adoptive home planet of the Mandalorian people.
  • When she finally runs out of ammunition, she seizes a Mandalorian saber and severs Caedus'arm.
  • It's difficult to see mandalorian in a sentence. 用mandalorian造句挺难的
  • Years later, Jango has become a full-fledged Mandalorian and squad commander under Jaster's tutelage.
  • As the Mandalorian fleet awaits the arrival of their client, Bevin becomes impatient and scouts around for Udelen.
  • The New Mandalorian people built their cities, such as the capital Sundari, in large Guernica ".
  • Briika, a Mandalorian female warrior, is fatally wounded in the encounter though and dies when she reaches Slave 1.
  • It was these lyrics that further inspired author Karen Traviss to develop the Mandalorian language into a " fully working language ".
  • Jaina, accompanied by several Mandalorian commandos, confronts Caedus, who quickly dispatches the Mandalorians, while Jaina acts as a sniper.
  • The " Vode An " theme, as well as several other key music pieces, have additional choral lyrics in the Mandalorian language.
  • The planet is originally inhabited by the Taung species, who rename themselves Mandalorian and originate the culture practiced by later non-Taung Mandalorians.
  • Mirta later married a Mandalorian warrior, and Boba's wife was discovered to be alive, having been frozen in carbonite some decades previously.
  • Meetra gives Revan the mask that he wore during the Mandalorian Wars; upon wearing the mask all of Revan's memories return to him.
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