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  • “ his fervent zeal for the interests of the state ” ( macaulay )
    “他对国家利益的强烈热忱” (麦考利) 。
  • Artist name : culkin , macaulay
  • Male artist culkin , macaulay
  • Her family reared a sumptuous mausoleum over her remains ( macaulay
    她的家人在她的遗体上立了一座华丽的陵墓(麦考利) 。
  • I think sally and macaulay would make a perfect couple . let ' s fix them up
  • “ sentiment and eloquence serve only to impede the pursuit of truth ” ( macaulay )
    “感情用事和夸夸其谈只能阻碍对真理的追求” (麦考利) 。
  • “ the drudgery of penning definitions and marking quotations for transcription ” ( macaulay )
    “写定义和标明翻译用引言的枯燥工作” (麦考利) 。
  • Macaulay have occasional flashes of silence that make his conversation perfectly delightful
  • The earlier part of his discourse was deformed by pedantic divisions and subdivisions ( macaulay
    学究式的划分和次分损毁了他的讲话的前一部分的外形(麦考利) 。
  • “ in our island the latin appears never to have superseded the old gaelic speech ” ( macaulay )
    “在我们的岛上古老的盖尔语似乎永远被拉丁语所取代” (麦考利) 。
  • It's difficult to see macaulay in a sentence. 用macaulay造句挺难的
  • He sometimes . in his rants , talked with norman haughtiness of the celtic barbarians ( macaulay
    他有时夸夸其谈,象诺曼人那样目空一切地大讲凯尔特人的未开化(马可勒) 。
  • “ his long public life , so singularly checkered with good and evil , with glory and obloquy ” ( macaulay )
    他长期从事公务,好的和坏的,光荣和受辱交错,盛衰无常(麦考利) 。
  • In 1995 his parents separated and a legal battle for control of macaulay ' s $ 17 million dollar fortune ensued
  • “ he early discovered that , by parading his unhappiness before the multitude , he produced an immense sensation ” ( macaulay )
    “他很早就发现通过向众人诉说他的凄苦产生了巨大的轰动” (麦考利) 。
  • Macaulay had wealth and fame , rank and power , and yet he tells us in his biography that he owed the happiest hours of his life to books
  • Macaulay had wealth and fame , rank and power , and yet he tells us in his biography that he owed the happiest hours of his life to books
  • We hardly know an instance of the strength and weakness of human nature so striking and so grotesque as the character of this haughty , vigilant , resolute , sagacious blue - stocking [ frederick the great ] i ( macaulay
    我们几乎找不到一个人性的力量和弱点象这个高傲、机警、坚定、智慧的女学者的性格那样如此醒目和怪异的例子(麦考莱) 。
  • Thucydides described the war between athens and sparta and between athens and syracuse , a greek state on the island of sicily . macaulay , himself an eminent historian , called thucydides “ the greatest historian that ever lived ”
    修息底德被著名的历史学家麦考利称为“最伟大的历史学家” ,他著有《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》 ,描写了雅典与斯巴达、雅典与锡拉库扎间的战争。
  • Therefore , the dissertation firstly reviews the status quo of the innovation of the interest rate liberalization and analyzes the impacts of the interest rate liberalization imposed to the commercial banks . then the dissertation thoroughly and systematically studies the management of interest rate risk in the three following steps : firstly , the dissertation analyzes the interest rate risk imposed to the commercial banks and subdivides the interest rate risk into the balance risk between assets and liabilities the basic risk the yield curve risk and the embedded option risk according to the principles for the management of interest risk issued by bis in 1997 . secondly , the dissertation thoroughly and systematically studies the measuring methods of interest rate risk , which are named as rate - sensitive fund gap analysis macaulay ' s duration gap analysis and convexity analysis
  • [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] thucydides [ / color ] [ / b ] described the war between [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] athens and sparta [ / color ] [ / b ] and between [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] athens and syracuse [ / color ] [ / b ] , a greek state on the island of sicily . macaulay , himself an eminent historian , called thucydides “ [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] the greatest historian that ever lived [ / color ] [ / b ] ”
    修息底德被著名的历史学家麦考利称为“最伟大的历史学家” ,他著有《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》 ,描写了雅典与斯巴达、雅典与锡拉库扎间的战争。
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