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  • The vessel involved by aneurysm were ligated in its healthy part .
  • Newly-synthesized dna strands from adjacent replicons are ligated together .
  • Observation of ligated esophageal varices by ultrasonic microprobe
  • Newly - synthesized dna strands from adjacent replicons are ligated together
  • Greater access can be secured by ligating one or more genicular vessels
  • Oviduct ligating hook
  • Then the pcr product was purified , ligated into pgem - t vector by ta cloning
  • Effects of ligating common iliac artery of one side on conduction velocity of sciatic nerve in rats
  • 4 wear ligating modules , headgear and other accessories as instructed by your orthodontist
  • Clinical observation of 1120 cases involving the sterilization of ligate fallopian tube and the use of silvern clamps
    经腹输卵管缝扎加银夹绝育手术1 120例疗效观察
  • It's difficult to see ligate in a sentence. 用ligate造句挺难的
  • The effectiveness of combing and partially ligating the facial nerve root for hemifacial spasm and its complications
  • Ligate the insert hbrp to a pgex - 5x - 1 expression vector . prepare eoli . bl21 competent cells
    制备eoli . bl21感受态细胞,将pgex一hb即表达质粒,转化bl一21感受态细胞。
  • On the protective action of buyanghuanwu prescription on myocardial infarction induced by ligating coronary artery in anesthetized dog
  • S . tenebrarius chromosomal dna , partially digested with sau3al to yield fragments of 6 ~ 15kb , was ligated with vector pij702
    提取黑暗链霉菌h6总dna ,经sau3ai不完全酶切、凝胶电泳,收集6 15kb片段连接到载体pij702 。
  • Next , dissect between it and the posterolateral corner of the joint capsule ; ligate or cauterize the lateral superior genicular arterial branches located in this area
  • The whole gene was added every six hours instead of all in one time . in proper time , they were mixed and continued to ligate to multi - copy in the same direction
  • Method to study liquid secretion of intestinal tract and amplitude and frequency of intestinal muscle contraction with rats in vivo , via established ligating ileum model of rats
  • The two fragments were ligated to a whole fusion peptide gene , next was ligated with two adapters which have the same cohesive end ( atg / tac ) , respectively
    首先将其连接成融合肽的完整基因,然后分别与含有相同粘性末端( atg / tac )的ecor前接头和sal后接头连接。
  • To make the pcr primer that have adequacy enzyme sit flowed the sequence , ligate with the pgem - t easy after pcr . make sure the sequence by sequencing
    经组织培养后,以pcr和rt - pcr法检测再生烟草,共得到转synnhap基因烟草4株, pbi121空载体浸染的对照烟草再生苗5株。
  • Recombinant cloning vector of pgem - hc and pgem - ha were constructed by ligating the hc and ha genes into pgem t east vector and transformating into jm109 . 3
    分别将目的基因hypoderminc和hypodermina与克隆载体( pgemteasy )连接并转化到宿主菌jm109中,构建了重组克隆载体pgem - hc和pgem - ha 。
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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