- Miss ley smiled almost imperceptibly .
莱伊小姐几乎察觉不出地微微一笑。 - The old friendship was imperceptibly renewed .
旧日的友谊不知不觉地恢复了。 - He approached imperceptibly the gloomy recess .
他不知不觉地走到了幽暗的山岔。 - The breath ebbed from him almost imperceptibly .
呼吸几乎是不知不觉地从他喉咙里微弱下去。 - Time fled, and she was surprised to find the year passed imperceptibly .
光阴飞逝,她诧异地发觉一年不知不觉就过去了。 - Her hand enveloped mrs. hope's, shook it, and imperceptibly guided her toward the door .
她抓住霍普太太的手,握了握,然后不知不觉地把她送到门口。 - Along the faulted bulawayan contact, highly sheared and metasomatized arenites also grade imperceptibly into this rock type .
沿布拉瓦约断层带,强烈剪切和交代的砂质岩也常渐变为这类岩石。 - As he talked along, softly, pleasantly, flowingly, he seemed to drift away imperceptibly out of this world and time, and into some remote era and old forgotten country .
他软声软气地,滔滔不绝地向我娓娓而谈,不知不觉的,他似乎是离开了这个世界与时代,漂流到一个荒远难稽的时代与早已被人忘记的古国。 - But just remember , you should bow imperceptibly lower than he does
但千万记住,你鞠的躬要略比他低些。 - But the cavalry officer melted imperceptibly out of her existence
可是这位骑兵军官毫无察觉地消融在她的生存范围之外了。 - It's difficult to see imperceptibly in a sentence. 用imperceptibly造句挺难的
- Imperceptibly , my anxiety tightened its hold , and gripped both my mind and my heart
我越来越感到焦虑不安,心里紧张得很。 - He stood motionless , waiting , while the dawn faintly and imperceptibly paled behind him
这时,曙光在他的背后微微的破露了。 - Valentine imperceptibly thanked him , while two silent tears rolled down her cheeks
瓦朗蒂娜暗地里很感谢他,两滴眼泪无声地滚下她的脸颊。 - Somewhere imperceptibly he would hear and somehow reluctantly , suncompelled , obey the summons of recall
不知在什么地方,他依稀听见了召唤他回去的声音。 - The president frowned imperceptibly . gentlemen , said he , you have heard the comte de morcerf s defence
诸位,他说,你们已听到马尔塞夫伯爵阁下的解释了。 - " she married the man she loved , who remained faithful to us in our fallen fortunes - emmanuel herbaut . " monte cristo smiled imperceptibly
她嫁给了她所爱的人,那个人在我们家遭厄运的时候也没对我们变过心。 - I felt that i was imperceptibly drawing closer to marguerite . it was not long before i had turned the conversation round to her
我仿佛觉得自己正在一步步地向玛格丽特靠拢,不多会儿,我就把话题转到玛格丽特身上。 - But imperceptibly the cottage smoke droops , has the look of a mourning emblem , a flag floating its caress over a grave
然而那小屋的炊烟在不经意之间已俯身低走,带着一种哀悼的征象,一杆旗幡将它的抚摸飘忽在坟茔上。 - " let go - and clue up ! " at this last command all the sails were lowered , and the vessel moved almost imperceptibly onwards
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