- Human victims were immolating to the thunderer .
旧时宰杀活人祭雷神。 - He was immolating himself for his family's sake .
他在为家庭作自我牺牲。 - You know that garrison swears to immolate the first who breathes a proposition of surrender .
你们知道守卫部队誓称要处死第一个说出投降二字的人。 - Immolate domesticity for aspire after career galvanization
为追求事业发展而牺牲家庭生活。 - I choose my career and immolate my time for health and family
我选择了事业而牺牲了健康和家庭的时间。 - The number of such slaves immolated depended on the status of the deceased
身份等级不同,殉葬的人数多少也不一样。 - Later , 177 slaves were immolated when duke mu of the state of qin died in 621 b . c
称霸西戎的秦穆公死后,从死者更达177人。 - Dutins calls the souls of the dead and turns them into immolating wisps to burn his enemy
杜丁召唤死者的灵魂并将他们转换成自燃的鬼火烧伤敌军。 - It leads him to a strange habitation , to a secret infidel apartment , and there , implacable , immolates him , consenting
命运把他领到一座奇异的住所,一间隐秘的背教者之居室,把顺从的他毫不留情地当作祭品宰杀。 - Again , same as in afflictionspecs , immolate is good enough to use regardless of the fact you probablyhave more shadow than fire damage
再一次重申,如同痛苦天赋,无论暗伤是不是高于火伤,献祭是个很好的输出。 - It's difficult to see immolate in a sentence. 用immolate造句挺难的
- I can see them sitting before the feet of the robed master , as he tells tales of the greatness that they should all strive for , to immolate themselves on the pyre of 19th century masters , there is only one true path and all else lead to the dark side
我似乎看见他们坐再穿长袍的大师之前,听他讲巨大的传说,献身再19世纪大师们的圣坛之上,事实上只有1条道路通罗马,其他的都通向黑暗。 - I can see them sitting before the feet of the robed master , as he tells tales of the greatness that they should all strive for , to immolate themselves on the pyre of 19th century masters , there is only one true path and all else lead to the dark side
我仿佛看见他们坐在穿长袍的大师之前,听他讲伟大的传说,牺牲在19世纪大师们的圣坛之上,事实上只有一条道路通罗马,其他的都通向黑暗。 - I can see them sitting before the feet of the robed master , as he tells tales of the greatness that they should all strive for , to immolate themselves on the pyre of 19th century masters , there is only one true path and all else lead to the dark side
我似乎看见他们坐在穿长袍的大师之前,听他讲巨大的传说,献身在19世纪大师们的圣坛之上,事实情况上只有一条道路通罗马,其他的都通向黑暗。 - The man he sacrificed to his ambition , that innocent victim immolated on the altar of his father s faults , appeared to him pale and threatening , leading his affianced bride by the hand , and bringing with him remorse , not such as the ancients figured , furious and terrible , but that slow and consuming agony whose pangs are intensified from hour to hour up to the very moment of death