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  • Need to quantitate proteins in your icat sample
  • Store and icat commerce online . these articles may help you identify potential problem areas with any solution that you choose
  • The s imu1ation of the error margin of thi s a1gori thm was al so done wi th c1assic coning motion . the data process ing software and app1 icat ion software of the s1ns ra jj 7ax ixx , was a1so designed
  • Lastly , on the study and ana1ysis above , i design a network management system which has ( b + c ) / s architecture . and on se1f - - deve1opment manner , implement a manager appl icat ion on winsnmp , which can browse mib data stored in agents , and test it on local and in internet
    最后,在前面的分析比较的基础上,设计了( b + c ) s体系结构的网络管理系统,采用自主开发的方式,实现了代理信息浏览工具的开发,并在本地主机和internet上进行了测试。
  • The appl icat ion of the method of the peer preview is very common in registration and appraisement of achievements in scientific research , as we i i as how to appra i se the work i ng standard of sc i ent i f i c research organization
  • Th is paper introduced the fuzzy cont1fol into the variabl e st ruct ure control , hi ch combined the two control methods " nleri ts , real ize ( l the rapi d response , robustness of the systen1 , and el iminated the chattering , thus provided a new method for the app1 icat ion of the variable structure contro1 and the fuzzy contro1
  • 0n the base of ethernet + tcp ( udp ) / ip protoco1 , technologys criterion of app1 ication are estab1 ished , which are union and app1 icable on industry fie1d contro1 , simu1taneity , according to iec standards , industrial contro1 function b1ocks are stafldarded though adding to user layer over app1 ication 1ayer . mixed configratin and implementing among di fferenl devices app1 icat . ion course are coinposed of their inputs , outputs arithmetics , events , functions , which are executed on some fie1d devices . using techno1ogys of psd design , i designed chip based on programming 1ogic and isp
    在以太网+ tcp ( udp ) ip协议的基础上,制订统一并适用于工业现场控制的应用层技术规范,同时参照iec有关标准,在应用层上增加用户层,将工业控制中的功能块fb进行标准化,通过规定它们各自的输入、输出、算法、事件、参数,并把它们组成为可在某个现场设备中执行的应用进程,便于实现不同制造商设备的混合组态与调用。
  • Combinat ing the development practice of a ( ; v in my comdany , resuitrch results show the design and technique for agv master system in this thesi s i s correct and dependab1e . it not only have great practi cal val ue in a ( ; v syst om des ign , but a1so have vast appl icat ion perspect ive in designi ng the di spilt c , h m ( ) n itor ing system of intel1 igence carry equiprnent
  • By the examp1e of implementat iofl of the human resources management information system in jiangxi hoflgdu aviation industry ( group ) corporation - - hdhrmis , it also i11ustrated the adodted technical program , deve1opment method , des ign princ iple , data di ct 1onary afld flow chart , etc . and researched and ana1yzed the phenomena such as the human resources f1ow by the app1 icat ion of mathematica1 means 1 ike regress1on ana1ysis afld 1 iflear p1anfling
    并以实施江西洪都航空工业集团公司人力资源管理信息系统? ? ldhkmis为例,说明了所采用的技术方案、开发方法、设计原则以及数据字典及流程图等内容,应用了回归分析、线性规划等数学手段研究分析了人力资源流动等现象。
  • The main content as fo11ow : ( l ) the current situation of hypermedia and describing 1anguage study study the current situation and using area of hypermedia , study the app1 icat ion of hypermedia in educat ion area , study and compare a11 the describing 1anguage of hypermedia , and determine the describing 1anguage for this research topic
    其主要研究内容如下: ( 1 )超媒体现状及其描述语言研究研究当前超媒体的应用现状及应用领域,进而研究超媒体在教育领域的实际应用,通过对超媒体的各种描述语言进行研究和比较,进而确定本课题所采用的描述语言。
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如何用icat造句,用icat造句icat in a sentence, 用icat造句和icat的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。