- The planners with their experience pertain to reservoir flood operations, regulate the design hydrographs of different weather systems and herewith establish satisfied flood operation rules with classified forecasts for better reservoir real-time operation
结合调度经验,调度设计人员通过分别调节不同天气系统成因的设计洪水过程,建立满意的水库防洪分类预报调度规则,用来更好地指导水库实时调度。 - Abstract : according to the base flow separation results from hydrographs in many watershed, the best regression equation expressing the relationship between annual precipitation infiltration coefficient and the weight of different strata area to total area of the watershed is established . the equation can be used to calculate the precipitation infiltration recharge for different ground water basins in which the strata distribution and the precipitation are given . the precipitation recharge is equivalent to the ground water recharge in some mountainous area where the exploitation of ground water resources are far from being sufficient
文摘:降水入渗补给系数与地层相关分析的目的,是为推求山丘区降水入渗补给量.鲁中山丘区是由各种不同地层出露组成的山丘区域.在多个水文流域基流分割基础上,建立流域年均降水入渗补给系数与各种地层出露面积占流域总面积权重间的最佳回归方程,利用该回归方程和地层分布及降水量推算不同地下水流域的降水入渗补给量.在地下水开发利用不高的山丘区,降水入渗补给量即为地下水补给量 - Through examination of the recession limbs of the observed hydrographs, during periods with no rain and thus no surface runoff, one can determine the value of . for this catchment, a value of 0.8 is obtained . the simulated subsurface runoff at each grid is routed to the outlets through a unit-hydrograph method for overland flow and the linear saint-venant equation for channel flow to get the discharge at xixian station
对所研究的流域而言,经过估算消退系数为0.8.耦合着这两种不同地下径流机制的clm模型都可以计算出每个网格的地表地下径流深,采用daglohman34,35发展的汇流模型进行汇流由于是研究地下径流,所以取每个网格的地表径流为0,该模型采用单位线计算坡面汇流线性圣维南saint-venantequation进行河道汇流 - It's difficult to see hydrographs in a sentence. 用hydrographs造句挺难的
如何用hydrographs造句,用hydrographs造句,hydrographs in a sentence, 用hydrographs造句和hydrographs的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。