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  • And i think i ll have those hyacinths taken out
    哎,把那些玉簪花拿开吧! ”
  • Advances on studies of control of water hyacinth
  • Hyacinth perfume made of oil or ether or something
  • She painted a picture of hyacinth
  • Hyacinth of compostella
  • Design of a small - typed machinery for a long - term and effective removal of water hyacinth
  • The study of a specious invasive plant , water hyacinth eichhornia crassipes : achievements and challenges
  • Effect of quot; hyacinth restraint quot; on several physiological indices of hyacinth eichhomia crassipes
  • The phytoremediation efficiency of a pesticide by plants might be water hyacinth > canna > willow > tea plant
  • I noticed the natives : a marsh deer , a muscovy duck and ducklings , a pair of hyacinth macaws crossing the sky
  • It's difficult to see hyacinth in a sentence. 用hyacinth造句挺难的
  • Observation on efficacy of cimetidine associated with the tuber hyacinth bletilla , rhubarb on 136 patients with upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage
  • And the chair began to advance slowly , joltingly down the beautiful broad riding washed over with blue encroaching hyacinths
  • For this holiday , iranians thoroughly clean their houses and fill them with lucky flowers , like tulips and hyacinth
  • Used with hyacinthin , the necessity for concocting hyacinth essence , rose essence and etc ; also it is an important medical material
  • Poor thing , she too had some of the vulnerability of the wild hyacinths , she wasn t all tough rubber - goods and platinum , like the modern girl
  • Then i began my learning in cooking . at first i could not cook any tasty food . lili learned to cook stir - fried shredded pork with hyacinth beans from his master
  • They may scrub extra hard after a con job , use 40 hyacinth shampoo after a secret tryst or book a weekend at a spa after a particularly ugly hit
  • Made by the hyacinth , perfect hand - made , excellent quality with the reasonable price , nontoxic , durable , can supply a large quantity . welcome to visit our company or our website
  • In limmen 30km 18 miles northwest of amsterdam in april may where you can see over 2500 varieties of tulips , daffodils and hyacinths
    的您,可选择于四月五月前往位于limmen的hortus bulborum离阿姆斯特丹少于半句钟的车程欣赏逾2500种杜鹃洋水仙及风信子。
  • Do you think so ! she exclaimed in surprise , just a little offended , but impressed . and she carried the hyacinths out of the room , impressed by his higher fastidiousness
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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