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  • The hwacha was a further development from the juhwa and the singijeon.
  • Besides the singijeon-class projectiles, hwacha could also fire 100 steel-tipped rockets.
  • The use of the hwacha was also highly effective in repelling the Japanese invaders from the land.
  • He improved Hwacha as well-known type for nowadays, by himself and yonger brother Pe.
  • After that, the operators were able to load the hwacha with arrows or iron spikes and be ready to shoot.
  • Among his inventions were the singijeon and the hwacha, a launching device somewhat resembling the first modern multiple rocket launcher.
  • The Korean Hwacha is an example of an early weapon system with a resemblance to the modern-day multiple rocket launcher.
  • The navy repelled pirates using an advanced form of gunpowder technologies including cannons and fire arrows in form of singijeon deployed by hwacha.
  • Just so long as the information is kept at a basic level and doesn't describe the hwacha in the game extensively.
  • The Japanese samurai infantry, especially in the Battle of Haengju, typically advanced in dense formations, presenting ideal targets for the hwacha.
  • It's difficult to see hwacha in a sentence. 用hwacha造句挺难的
  • In 1373 experiments with incendiary arrows and " fire tubes " possibly an early form of the Hwacha were developed and placed on Korean warships.
  • :: Why don't we just keep a simple paragraph on the hwacha's appearence in games and leave it at that.
  • This " Munjong Hwacha " that are well-known type for nowadays could fire 100 rocket arrows or 200 small Chongtong bullets at one time with changeable modules.
  • The multiple rocket launcher known as hwacha ( " fire cart " kp蕩 ) was developed from the juhwa and singijeon in Korea by 1409 during the Joseon Dynasty.
  • Excessive trolling in the following and related talk pages : Talk : Japan, Talk : Hideyoshi's invasions of Korea, Talk : Balhae, Talk : Hwacha.
  • The navy maintained superiority over the pirates by using advanced gunpowder technologies, such as cannons and fire arrows ( e . g ., singijeon deployed by hwacha ).
  • The Korean army included siege engineers and blacksmiths in order to make repairs to the hwacha in case of damage due to poor road conditions, bad weather, or battle.
  • I have looked at valid references online and while the Hwacha is mentioned as being a multiple rocket launcher of Korean invention there is no reference to it being the " worlds first ".
  • Once a hwacha was set up for combat, the operators would use the gunpowder stored in a boot-like bag tied on each igniter to be used for each hole on the machine.
  • The back side of the hwacha featured two parallel arms that allowed the operator to push and pull the machine, and a vertical strip designed for in-line attacks or stand ground-sentry positions.
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