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  • Another name used for this section is Hagiographa.
  • "In the fourth, they learn the Prophets and the Hagiographa, with the proper accents and translation.
  • His publications include commentaries on the " Prophets and Hagiographa ", as well as lectures and addresses on theological subjects.
  • The Ruth tune is generally the " default " tune for any book of the Ketuvim ( Hagiographa ) that does not have a tune of its own.
  • It was divided into two volumes, the first embracing the Pentateuch and the Five Megillot, and the second comprising the Hagiographa and the 2ame? % amuf ."
  • It contains, besides the original Hebrew, the Targums On3elos and Yerushalmi on the Pentateuch, the Targum Jonathan on the Prophets, and Targums to the Hagiographa, including the Targum Sheni on Esther.
  • In the arrangement of the Hagiographa the author deviates from the Talmudic order ( B . B . l . c . ) by placing Book of Esther before Book of Daniel, while the reverse order is followed in the Talmud.
  • Mosconi was well versed in philosophical works, both Hebrew and Arabic; but, having a predilection for metaphysics, he occupied himself particularly with Prophets and Hagiographa before that on the Pentateuch, which he wrote 11 years before his death.
  • A second edition, without the grammatical treatises, appeared at Vienna in 1816; the commentary on the Pentateuch alone, with the Hebrew text, was published at Dubrovna in 1804; the commentary on the Hagiographa and the Prophets, at Wilna in 1820.
  • Each section also contains excerpts from Nevi'im ( the prophetical books ), Ketuvim ( the Hagiographa ), the Mishnah, the Talmud and the Zohar or other works of Kabbalah, but the collection does not include the whole of any of these works.
  • It's difficult to see hagiographa in a sentence. 用hagiographa造句挺难的
  • Soferim is the first work to distinguish between the three grades of inspiration in the Bible ( xviii . 3, end ), namely, that of Torah ( the Law ), of Kabala ( tradition of the holy prophets ), and of Hagiographa ( words of holiness ).
  • The homilies contained in Midrash Tan % uma A begin with the words " As the Scriptures say " or sometimes " As it is written . " Then follow a verse ( in most cases taken from the Hagiographa ), its explanation, and a homily on the particular passage of the Pentateuch referred to.
  • It was an ancient liturgical custom there to read pericopes from the Hagiographa on Hamnuna ( Bacher, l . c . i . 2 ) brought this tradition from Nehardea, where he had received it from Na33ai ( see " M . J . C . " i . 174; Strack, " Di3du3 le'amim, " p . 56 ).
  • He also authored a supplement, the " Melitz Yosher " ( ) and " Seyfer Ha Magid " ( ) . " Ha Magid ", which literally means " the book that tells " or " the messenger book " in the biblical sense, as in " the messenger came to David saying " in, is a similar compilation on the Prophets and Hagiographa.
  • "Jesus Nave " was an old name for the Book of Joshua . " 2 of Esdras " could be 1 Esdras and Ezra-Nehemiah as in the Septuagint or Prophets and Hagiographa indiscriminately together, it must be of Christian rather than Jewish authorship, and since the use of Aramaic continued in the Palestinian church for centuries, there is no reason to date it so early ( first or second century C . E . ) ."
  • The part for the first day contains the arguments against Christians; that for the second day those against the Karaite interpretation of the Bible; those for the remaining five days contain several interpretations of obscure Biblical passages that are likely to mislead students; the reasons for the commandments; arguments against atheists; arguments against the Karaites and their rejection of the Talmud; and an account of the sixteen things which comprehend the whole of Judaism and which, after being indicated in the Pentateuch, are repeated in the Prophets and Hagiographa.
  • The two books of Esdras refer to the Book of Ezra and the Book of Nehemiah like what is appeared as one book (  Ezr ) in the Hebrew Bible; Jerome, in the " Preface of the Books of Samuel and Kings ", explains the following : " To the third class belong the " Hagiographa ", of which the first book begins with Job, . . . the eighth, Ezra, which itself is likewise divided amongst Greeks and Latins into two books; the ninth is Esther ."
  • The two books of Esdras refer to the Book of Ezra and the Book of Nehemiah like what is appeared as one book (  Ezr ) in the Hebrew Bible; Jerome, as the author of the Vulgate, in the preface of the Books of Samuel and Kings explains the following : " To the third class belong the " Hagiographa ", of which the first book begins with Job, . . . the eighth, Ezra, which itself is likewise divided amongst Greeks and Latins into two books; the ninth is Esther ."
  • He points out, among other things, that Baer has indicated the open and closed sections in the Prophets and the Hagiographa, a thing not usually done in Masoretic manuscripts ( pp . 10 et seq . ); that he has introduced a number of anti-Masoretic pauses ( p . 29 ); that his division of the Sedarim is faulty ( p . 41 ); that he has introduced the dagesh into the first letter of words when the preceding word ends with the same letter ( p . 117 ), as well as the dagesh which follows upon a guttural with silent shewa and a % atef-pata %  under the first of two similar letters ( pp . 466, 662 ), all of which are not warranted by the best manuscripts.
  • Of commentaries it contains that of Rashi on the whole Bible; Aaron Pesaro's " Toledot Aharon "; Asheri's commentary and Norzi's notes on the Bible; Ibn Ezra on the Pentateuch, the Five Megillot, the Minor Prophets, the Psalms, Job, and Daniel; Moses 2im % i on the Proverbs; Na % manides on the Pentateuch; Obadiah Sforno on the Pentateuch, the Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes; Elijah Wilna on the Pentateuch, Joshua, Isaiah, and Ezekiel; S . E . Lenczyz and S . Edels on the Pentateuch; J . H . Altschuler on the Prophets and Hagiographa; David 2im % i on the Later Prophets; Levi ben Gershon no Joshua, Kings, Proverbs, and Job; Isaiah di Trani on Judges and Samuel; S . Oceda on Ruth and Lamentations; Eliezer ben Elijah Ashkenazi on Esther; Saadia on Daniel.
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