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  • Iraqforce pressed on from Habbaniya to Baghdad and then to Mosul.
  • Also ATC operated a transport route from Habbaniya to Mehrabad Airport.
  • United Nations and humanitarian flights have used the al-Habbaniya base.
  • Habbaniya had essentially lifted the siege with its own resources.
  • On 7 May, the Iraqis abandoned the positions above RAF Habbaniya.
  • The register of those buried is held by the RAF Habbaniya Association.
  • Diarrhea and fever have been a crucial problem in some areas, including Habbaniya.
  • The plane landed at al-Habbaniya airbase, 65 kilometers west of Baghdad.
  • At RAF Habbaniya, Bristol Blenheim Mk1 bomber.
  • The investment of Habbaniya, by Iraqi forces, had come to an end.
  • It's difficult to see habbaniya in a sentence. 用habbaniya造句挺难的
  • United Nations and humanitarian flights to Iraq have used the al-Habbaniya air base.
  • Even if the Iraqi troops overlooking Habbaniya did withdraw it would only postpone aerial attacks.
  • On April 30 Iraqi Army units took the high ground to the south of RAF Habbaniya.
  • The squadron reformed on 1 July 1941 at RAF Habbaniya in Iraq as a maintenance unit.
  • During 1940 / 41 Iraq joined the Axis powers and the Battle of Habbaniya took place.
  • Western reporters were barred from covering Butler's departure from the Habbaniya air base outside Baghdad.
  • In April 1941 RAF Habbaniya was threatened by the new pro-Axis regime of Rashid Ali.
  • Butler's plane landed at the al-Habbaniya air base, 100 kilometers west of Baghdad.
  • The plane landed at al-Habbaniya airbase, 65 kilometers ( 40 miles ) west of Baghdad.
  • On 18 May, Major-General Clark and AVM D'Albiac arrived in Habbaniya by air.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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