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  • Dogs being guileless signed and delivered
  • He is a guileless young man
  • She gave him a guileless look , but he knew he couldn ' t really trust her
  • Despite the edgier aspects of his personality , anakin possesses a guileless charm
  • Leopold bloom for it is he stands silent , with bowed head before those young guileless eyes
  • Mt . 10 : 16 behold , i send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves . be therefore prudent as serpents and guileless as doves
  • The purebred proves to be his new owner s perfect foil , proud and instinctively wary of suspicious types . unlike the rather guileless juan
  • For the report of your obedience has reached to all ; therefore i rejoice over you , but i want you to be wise as to what is good and guileless as to what is evil
  • Rom . 16 : 19 for the report of your obedience has reached to all ; therefore i rejoice over you , but i want you to be wise as to what is good and guileless as to what is evil
  • Along with the fast development in past 30 years , architecture hove entered a period with the abundantly different opinions and forms from that with the absence of theories , we are not shot of variety any more , while we need regress to basic and guileless theories to go deep into all sides of architecture , the abstruse and grand theories need change to practical activities
  • It's difficult to see guileless in a sentence. 用guileless造句挺难的
  • He looked that day rather thinner after his illness than he had been at the review of olmtz , where bolkonsky had seen him for the first time abroad . but there was the same bewitching combination of majesty and mildness in his fine , grey eyes , and on his delicate lips the same possibility of varying expressions and the predominant expression of noble - hearted , guileless youth
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