- The Greenlander Saga concludes that everyone thought ill of her descendants afterwards.
- Arguing for independence, one Greenlander recently cited the " Alaska nightmare ."
- Ormond didn't want to resort to prosthetics to make her look like a Greenlander.
- Smilla Jasperson ( Julia Ormond ) is part-native Greenlander, part-American, living in Copenhagen.
- It is also one of the first autobiographies by an Inuk; Greenlander Hans Hendrik having preceded him by 2 years.
- In present-day Copenhagen, Smilla Jasperson, a transplanted Greenlander, is studying ice crystals at a university lab.
- The work consists of a Greenlander standing before his kayak, placed high on a pedestal above two groups of working women.
- A Greenlander in Norway, on visit; it is also mentioned in a Norwegian Diploma from 1426, [ Peder Gr鴑lendiger ])
- The rest of the crew will include a navigator, a wildlife specialist, a Greenlander who speaks Danish and others with sailing expertise.
- Bone samples from Greenland Norse cemeteries confirm that the typical Greenlander diet had increased by this time from 20 % sea animals to 80 %.
- It's difficult to see greenlander in a sentence. 用greenlander造句挺难的
- Greenlander converts were reported saying, " If it can be so beautiful here on Earth, how wonderful must it not be in Heaven ."
- In response, in 1861, he started the " Atuagagdliutt ", Greenland's first newspaper, with a native Greenlander as editor.
- Smilla investigates the death of a neighbour s child whom she had befriended a fellow Greenlander, with an alcoholic, neglectful mother and a mysteriously deceased father.
- A later novel, " The Greenlander " ( 1978 ) concerns the whaling industry in Northeast England during the early days of steam-powered shipping.
- Lynge is the first solo musical artist from Greenland to have an album released across the United Kingdom, and the first Greenlander to play the UK's Glastonbury Festival.
- With an estimated 5.5 million harp seals swimming off the western shores of Greenland _ about 100 for each Greenlander _ no government argues that harp seals are endangered or even threatened.
- At another large inland farm about half way between Hafgrimsfjord and Austfjord, archaeologists found the remains of a solitary Norse Greenlander who appears to have laid down and died in the entrance way of the house, the implication being that there was nobody else left to bury him.
- Misled by existing maps, Mylius-Erichsen with Niels Peter H鴈g Hagen and the Greenlander J鴕gen Br鴑lund so prolonged his journey that a return to the ship that spring was impossible, and they were forced to spend the summer in the area without the necessary footgear for hunting in the stony area.
- On the death of Mylius-Erichsen and two others on a long sled voyage from Danmarkshavn to Peary Land, Koch along with the Greenlander Tobias Gabrielsen searched for the lost party, and found only the Greenlander J鴕gen Br鴑lund on whose body were recovered hand drawn charts which completed the map of Greenland.
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