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  • They feasted us on filet mignon and strawberry shortcake
  • Derek : she will have the duck , and i will have the filet mignon
  • When they dropped their filet - o - fish on the floor
  • When they dropped their filet - o - fish on the floor
  • So , isabelle , a filet mignon
  • Rinse and dry the fish filet , cut into stripe middle finger size
  • We have very good filet mignon today . would you like to try
  • Of fish filet
  • If you do not like the onion and tomato mix , try black olive or whitebait filet
  • Slice the filet into 1 4 inch thin pieces , and marinade with the sauce at the room temperature for 1 hour
  • It's difficult to see filet in a sentence. 用filet造句挺难的
  • Filet steak in chips to cook with hot sauce that made up of garlic , chili , szechuan pepper , butter and cream
  • Present the original taste of top luscious material including filet steak , goose liver , and truffle
  • At supermarket , you can find both frozen and iced fish filet . for the above dish , it is better to use frozen packs
  • Slice the fish filets thinly and mix with marinade for 10 minutes . whip the eggs in a large bowl . add the salt and water and mix well
  • Some have even been known to make their way onto the dinner table when their humans are not paying attention , gobbling down everything from filet mignon to sticks of butter ! !
  • Each lady who consumes australian unfrozen sirloin steak or australian unfrozen sirloin filet steak at our restaurant can enjoy 60 % discount ( early reservation necessary )
    在3月6日至3月8日来本店选用澳洲冰鲜西冷牛排和澳洲冰鲜牛柳的女士,均施行6折优惠(请提前预订座位) 。
  • The italian responds : i want peperonipizza , he is served and then executed . the frenchman requests a filet mignon , which he is served and then executed . the jew requests a plate of strawberries
  • Halloween is long gone , but new yorkers will be able from saturday to pay to view a roomful of human cadavers , fileted limbs and dissected organs as part of a gruesome yet realistic exhibit on the human body
    从11月19日开始,纽约市民将有机会在遍布死尸的展厅内参观。据路透社11月17日报道, 22具真人尸体和260多个人体器官将于19日在曼哈顿展出。
如何用filet造句,用filet造句filet in a sentence, 用filet造句和filet的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。