- The air of paris had exhilarated her and sharpened her wits .
巴黎的空气振奋了她,磨利了她的心智。 - Everyone is exhilarated .
群情振奋。 - The effect on tollifer of this amazing interview was extremely exhilarating .
这次意外的会晤使都力弗感到极端兴奋。 - The exhilarated mood of keycase milne persisted through the afternoon .
整整一个下午,奇开思米尔恩的情绪都很兴奋。 - It was a silence and a sheer whiteness exhilarating to madness .
皑皑白雪,一望无际,四处静悄悄的一片,叫人欣喜若狂。 - He was a good swimmer, and nothing exhilarated him like a rough sea .
他游泳游得蛮不错。没有什么能像汹涌的大海那样使他欣喜若狂。 - It was a busy, exhilarating scene and yet, i know not why, restful to the spirit .
这是一种令人振奋的繁忙景象,然而,不知道为什么,又令人心旷神怡。 - Through it all we worked like demons with the wild exhilaration of despair, for even despair can exhilarate .
我们象中了魔似的拚命地干着,因为绝望也能给人以力量。 - Next came a stint as a reporter in windsor, during which he found stringing words together not only easy but exhilarating .
接着又在温索尔干了一阵新闻记者,其间他发现把字串成文章不但容易而且挺有意思。 - I was immersed in the ambiguities, passions, and frustrations of that maddening, heroic, and exhilarating region .
我也沉浸在这个令人发狂的、神异的、使人振奋的地区存在的那种含糊不清、激情和沮丧之中去了。 - It's difficult to see exhilarating in a sentence. 用exhilarating造句挺难的
- The wine of victory exhilarated him and strengthened his determination to be the real leader of the country, the spokesman of the majority .
胜利的美酒使他精神抖擞,并加强了他做一个真正全国领袖为大多数人说话的决心。 - This is natural because it takes a superhuman degree of self-abnegation to be at ease with a man whose most exhilarating moment is likely to be one's death .
这是很自然的,因为一个人得具有超人的自我克制才能同另一个最盼望自己死的人平安相处。 - And it ' s been an exhilarating and eventful time
那是一段令人愉快和波折的时光。 ” - That was quite exhilarating , but i believe that , uh
真是令人振奋啊,不过么 - Aires & leo : this is a most exhilarating combination
这是非常令人愉快的组合。 - That was quite exhilarating , but i believe that , uh . .
真是令人振奋啊,不过么. . - Who ' s this ? an eccentric but exhilarating performance
这是谁?这个无名氏古怪 - When i reached home , i was wildly exhilarated
当我回家的时候,我欣喜若狂。 - Our first parachute jump was an exhilarating experience
如何用exhilarating造句,用exhilarating造句,exhilarating in a sentence, 用exhilarating造句和exhilarating的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。