- Clearly it is impossible to be exhaustive .
显然,不可能叙述得详尽无遗。 - This kind of classification is not exhaustive .
这种分类法并不是包罗无遗的。 - It is not, of course, exhaustive .
当然这是不够详尽的。 - The purpose is not to give an exhaustive treatment .
其目的并不是给出全面彻底的处理。 - She seemed to have an exhaustive knowledge of the countryside round london .
她似乎对伦敦周围的乡村了如指掌。 - Melville incorporated in "moby dick" an exhaustive encyclopaedia of whaling lore .
梅尔维尔在《白鲸》中汇集了各种捕鲸知识。 - After exhaustive review of the whole situation, mr. murphy gave his opinion .
在详细检讨全盘情况后,墨斐先生提出了自己的见解。 - Naturally these high rates of production were exhaustive of america's better ore supplies .
这样高的生产值自然会耗尽美国较佳的铁砂。 - This exhaustive technical work is not available in an english translation, and i doubt that it will be .
这部详尽的技术性著作没有英文译本,而且我也怀疑今后会不会有。 - He spoke very slowly and deliberately, using very long words and dealing with the subject in an exhaustive manner .
他不慌不忙、慢吞吞地讲着,用了许多大字眼,详尽地谈论着这方面的问题。 - It's difficult to see exhaustive in a sentence. 用exhaustive造句挺难的
- The following definition to thermal properties and introduction to the theory of heat transfer are not intended to give an exhaustive treatise of these subjects .
下面引入的某些热性质定义和传热理论的初步概念都不准备作无止境的论述。 - This is not an exhaustive list of technical drivers
这不是技术驱动的详细列表。 - " after an exhaustive four - month investigation . .
"经过长达四个月的全面调查. . - " after an exhaustive four - month investigation
"经过长达四个月的全面调查 - " after an exhaustive four - month investigation
"历经四个月不眠不休的调查 - South pylon board , munich - exhaustive list of amenities
登上南塔,慕尼黑的市容一览无遗。 - There are few scenarios not exhaustive such as below
比如下面的少数场景(不是很详尽) : - These four goals are not an exhaustive list of alternatives
如何用exhaustive造句,用exhaustive造句,exhaustive in a sentence, 用exhaustive造句和exhaustive的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。