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  • Many men are needed to emend this book .
  • emend of self-control learning about junior high school students
  • Conclusion : the standards need to be emended in the future
  • Introduction of dyestuff standards published and emended in recent years
  • The mistakes mentioned above are emended through the method of giving examples
  • In order to emend the irrationalities of the general rule, this article introduces and comments on the clinical practice guidelines and st
  • Establishing, emending and carrying out the logistics standard become the one of the most important task for the government to promote logistics development
  • Under the following stated condition, the error introduced by the irrespective absorption of non-vitamin a can be revised by the emended by formula to gain the right result
  • My study primarily explored some basic concepts and categories . also, i introduce some new idea on some aspects such as laboratory animals law, legislation of the newly emending wild animal law
  • In chapter 6, the author studies the procedure of establishing, emending and carrying out logistics examination standard, and gives the common content and sequence of technique standard
  • It's difficult to see emending in a sentence. 用emending造句挺难的
  • As the most important part of the chinese language teaching, the teaching of reading is also one of the most changeable and fiercely-argued problems that has ever been every time the chinese curriculum standards had been emended
  • Laboratory animal law . a new trend of legislating on this issue is put forward in the third part, . the last part do some primary studies on the newly emending wild animal law
  • At the same time, the statistic method for appraising intensity of spray concrete and concrete lining was brought forward, which is a helpful attempt for emending quality inspection and evaluation standard for highway engineering for the future
  • Combined with computer technology and measurement and control technology, intelligent system not only has traditional inspection feature, but also can store, judge, dispose of the message, compensate real-time, self-diagnose, self-emend
  • Using emended gauss diffusion mode, taking wind erosion modulus as the ground oil pollutant sources, dust and oil pollutant quantity in air and polluting load in water were calculated, a relative model was founded
  • The fourth chapter is about emending and improvement of related regulations of eso, we can carry out eso in china by applying the mode in which the corporation law plays the dominant role, at the same time improving the securities law and the tax and fiscal system
  • This paper analyzes the situations of the power quality monitoring equipment home and abroad, the demand of power department and the practical applications . according to the new emended national standard of power quality, a new surveillance device is developed
  • In fact, no matter to the means or the subject of investment, invest analysis always follow the same model-first, forecast the profit of invest programs; secondly, emend it according to different period and risk rate; then, arrange the invest programs according to forecasting risk and repay, select a suitable one
  • Under the supervisor's instruction, the author, setting out from the angles of e-business status quo in china and the development of international lawmaking of electronic signature, makes a comprehensive research and discusses in depth on legal effect of electronic signature, evidential function of electronic signature, authentication system and the legislation of electronic signature, etc . and draws the following conclusions : . it is necessary to emend the related laws of signing in effect, or to stipulate a new law to establish the legal status and legal effect of electronic signature, to regulate and standardize the usage of electronic signature, so as to promote the e-business in china
  • The author try to put forward the legislation advices about eso by emending the responding laws and regulations such as corporation law, securities law, the tax system . the thesis have four chapters in details as follow : the first chapter introduces the basic theory of eso, the part mainly discusses its concept, basic fundament and necessity of the system of executive stock option .
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