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  • Perhaps you left your e - dictionary in the dorm
  • He had an e - dictionary in the computer
  • Look , there ' s an e - dictionary here
  • E - dictionaries and english teaching
  • E - dictionary covers
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除了飞机票和旅馆费,闻已经花费了3万多,给他儿子买了手提, mp3 ,电子词典,数码相机,和一步手机
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除了机票和住宿费用之外,温花30000多元用以给儿子购买笔记本电脑、 mp3播放器、数码相机和手机。
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除了飞机票和住宿费,文先生还花了3万多元钱帮儿子买了手提电脑、 mp3 、电子辞典、数码相机和手机。
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除了飞机票和旅馆住宿费外,温花了3万多元为儿子买了笔记本电脑、 mp3 、电子词典、数码相机和手机。
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除了所有机票、住宿费用,温先生为儿子买手提电脑、 mp3 、电子词典、数码相机、手机就花了不只3万元。
  • It's difficult to see e-dictionary in a sentence. 用e-dictionary造句挺难的
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除了机票和住宿的费用,文先生花了三万多元用来给孩子买笔记本电脑、 mp3 、电子词典、数码相机和手机。
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除了机票和宾馆住宿费用,文先生又花了3万多元为儿子买了笔记本电脑, mp3 ,电子词典,数码相机和手机。
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除了飞机票和旅馆的住宿费,文先生花了3万多元为儿子买了笔记本电脑, mp3 ,电子词典,数码摄像机和手机。
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除了机票飞和住宿费,温花了3万多给他的儿子买了一台笔记本电那,一部mp3 ,一部电子词典,数码相机和手机。
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除了在机票和住宿上的花费,闻先生还花费3万多元给儿子买了笔记本电脑, mp3 ,电子词典,数码相机和一部手机。
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除了飞机票和旅馆住宿的费用,温先生还花了30000元给他儿子买了笔记本电脑、 mp3 、电子词典、数码相机和手机。
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除了机票和酒店的花费,温先生还花了3万多买了一个液晶的电脑, mp3音乐随身体,电子字典,数码照相机和手机送给儿子
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除去往返北京票和住宿费用,这对夫妇还花了30000元钱给儿子购置笔记本电脑、 mp3播放器、电子词典、数码相机和手机。
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除去机票和住宿吃饭的费用,文先生花了超过30000元,给他的儿子买了台笔记本电脑, mp3 ,电子词典,数码相机和手机。
  • Besides the cost of air tickets and hotel accommodation , wen spent more than 30 , 000 yuan to buy his son a laptop computer , an mp3 player , an e - dictionary , a digital camera and a mobile phone
    除了机票和住宿的花费,文还花了30000元给孩子买了一台笔记本电脑、一个mp3 、一个电子辞典、一台数码相机和一个移动电话。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
如何用e-dictionary造句,用e-dictionary造句e-dictionary in a sentence, 用e-dictionary造句和e-dictionary的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。