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  • He was disaffectedly called " Uncle Pilo " by the people.
  • In " Damnatio Memoriae ", Tracy disaffectedly murders the surviving witness to her savaging Donovan's prison transport and remorselessly assaults Scott and Stiles under Theo's guidance.
  • While last season's ads for Kenneth Cole followed a trend of models who looked disaffectedly at unwanted children, the new images unabashedly celebrate that renegade idea, domestic contentment.
  • It's difficult to see disaffectedly in a sentence. 用disaffectedly造句挺难的
如何用disaffectedly造句,用disaffectedly造句disaffectedly in a sentence, 用disaffectedly造句和disaffectedly的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。