- A . The word codec is short for compressor-decompressor.
- Both the compressor and the decompressor start in U-mode.
- The decompressor stubs integrated in header bytes.
- The engine was started by a hand crank aided by the presence of a decompressor.
- Finally, you seem unsure in your question, a codec is a COmpressor / DECompressor.
- In that case a change to the format would be needed, or a custom decompressor.
- The Intel technology is referred to as a codec, a shortening of the term compressor-decompressor.
- The compressor converts the large overhead to only a few bytes, while the decompressor does the opposite.
- Codec stands for compressor / decompressor and because of it, the PC is able to process digital video.
- In fact, engine starting can be done by pedalling away from rest with the clutch engaged using the decompressor.
- It's difficult to see decompressor in a sentence. 用decompressor造句挺难的
- To improve the compression ratio, larger search window should be used and hence more memory required in the decompressor.
- The dictionary can be smaller in size for keeping the useful data and hence less memory required in the decompressor.
- It incorporates an automatic decompressor starter installed on the exhaust valve camshaft . Fuel is delivered via electronic fuel injection.
- By the way, a codec stands for compressor and decompressor which is used to compress and decompress digital video data.
- The product also included a freeware ( but closed source ) decompressor known as "'DDExpand " '.
- Since not all the data has to be shifted into the window, less processing power is required on the decompressor.
- The question then becomes, what is the minimal sized program that generates the uncompressed text when run by the decompressor?
- UCL has been designed to be simple enough that a decompressor can be implemented in just a few hundred bytes of code.
- It is said that I need a TIFF ( uncompressed ) decompressor and a Quick Time, well sth along those lines.
- Instead, the Windows user is told " QuickTime and a TIFF ( LZW ) decompressor are needed to see this picture ".
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