- He founded settlements with other conversos that would later become Monterrey.
- Considerable numbers of conversos lived there, in particular in Antwerp.
- Therefore, Converso origin is not sufficient to be considered Xueta.
- Some samples from the western Mediterranean exist which may represent conversos.
- Yucef's subsequent statements implicated other Jews and conversos.
- In Peru, conversos arrived at the time of the Spanish Conquest.
- Despite persecution, many conversos of Jewish ancestry did stay in Portugal.
- While they were negotiating, the king refrained from interfering with conversos.
- Rojas, however, married into another converso family.
- The old ex-converso community has now dwindled to a few individuals.
- It's difficult to see converso in a sentence. 用converso造句挺难的
- They were conversos and eventually migrated to New Spain.
- Incited by Alonso de Aguilar's enemy, they again attacked the conversos.
- Tudela in Navarre turned into a converso haven.
- In 1598 the first expedition was made to New Mexico, and included conversos.
- Numerous conversos, however, stayed in Brazil.
- Herrera descends from Crypto-Jews or Conversos.
- Gabriel de Valseca was born in Barcelona, to a family of Jewish conversos.
- The converso descendants of Sephardic Anusim in the Hispanosphere became the Sephardic Bnei Anusim.
- The mob dragged " converso " victims from their houses and killed some.
- Spanish and Portuguese conversos made financial sacrifices.