- The sky was colourless and immense .
天空辽阔无边,没有一丝儿云。 - Her own language is not entirely colourless .
她的语言也不全都是文雅的。 - Everything was cold and colourless .
一切都是那么寒冷而暗淡。 - Pure air is colourless and odourless .
纯空气是无色无臭的。 - She aimed her voice very pointedly at the colourless couple .
她话锋一转,锐利地指向那对平庸的夫妇。 - This allyl type of resin is a highly transparent, colourless material .
这种烯丙基型的树脂是一种高度透明的、无色材料。 - The youngest among the women workers was as dull and colourless as the middle-aged .
最年轻的女工也同中年妇女一样郁郁寡欢,形容枯槁。 - Colourless optical glass test methods - resistance to humidity
耐潮稳定性测试方法 - When ( water is ) pure , water is a colourless liquid
水纯时,水是无色的液体。 - Specification for limestone for making colourless glasses
制造无色玻璃用石灰岩规范 - It's difficult to see colourless in a sentence. 用colourless造句挺难的
- Colourless optical glass test methods - resistance to acid
耐酸稳定性测试方法 - 0232 in a manner of speaking , objects are colourless
0232顺便说一下,对象是无色的。 - Colourless optical glass test methods - relative lapping hardness
相对研磨硬度测试方法 - Colourless optical glass test methods - edge stress birefringence
边缘应力双折射测试方法 - Colourless optical glass test methods - middle stress birefringence
中部应力双折射测试方法 - Colourless optical glass test methods - knoop hardness
克氏硬度测试方法 - Roofing . plastic . measurement of translucency of colourless sheets
屋顶.无色板透明度测定 - Colourless optical glass test methods - coefficient of optical absorption
光吸收系数测试方法 - Colourless optical glass test methods - spectral internal transmittance
光谱内透过率测试方法 - Colourless optical glass test methods - radiation stability of radiation stable
如何用colourless造句,用colourless造句,colourless in a sentence, 用colourless造句和colourless的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。