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  • Beefeaten reply , winding clarions of welcome
  • Sleeps unaware of the clarion call
    (睡眠中不留意号角的响起。 )
  • Sleeps unaware of the clarion call
  • Clarion ltd . , to the amazingly beautiful excellency supreme master ching hai
  • The upper clarion register is the most difficult for circular breathing
  • Clarion : a integrated model in studying the relationship between implicit and explicit skill learning
  • Alan jenkins , chairman of eversheds , said : " the talking sense report is a clarion call to both the british educational establishment and british industry
    )说: “这份名为《说话的意义》的报告对于英国教育界以及工商业界来说就像一个动员令。
  • Culture is a faith , a penetration , a bourn , a heritage , a piece of matting , a keen sword , a clarion , a banner , a resource and a landscape
  • Sixteen days ago , the general assembly of the united nations concluded a three - day special session on fighting the world drug problem , sounding a clarion call for an unprecedented worldwide war against drugs
  • With 120 games to go , it may be strange to hear anyone talking about " must win " situations , but there was the yankees captain standing in the middle of the tight clubhouse sounding the clarion call
  • It's difficult to see clarion in a sentence. 用clarion造句挺难的
  • Publishing the consecration and exploitation of western people will be new - style clarion . to accommodate rules of wto , the governments in the western region are wanted to a leading position to improve the mode of management and ancient concept and upgrade the concept and construction to an unparalleled environment of international practice and specialty , to make essential contribution to attract the foreign investment and develop the western region
  • The tendency combines the urbanism with the regional economical strategy physically . it combines the town planning , townscape and its management , as to further optimize the overall arrangement , better the function , the environment , thus to boost social carrying capacity . actually , this puts forward a topic of how to develop and manage the township on a higher level , blows out a clarion call for the urbanization pace on faster speed , higher criteria and level
  • Her training warned her of peril and of wrong , subtle , mysterious , luring ; while her instincts rang clarion - voiced through her being , impelling her to hurdle caste and place and gain to this traveller from another world , to this uncouth young fellow with lacerated hands and a line of raw red caused by the unaccustomed linen at his throat , who , all too evidently , was soiled and tainted by ungracious existence
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