- Subjective judgements based on frequency graphs vary greatly from cartographer to cartographer .
根据频率图所作的主观判断,因编图人员不同而变化甚大。 - Subjective judgements based on frequency graphs vary greatly from cartographer to cartographer .
根据频率图所作的主观判断,因编图人员不同而变化甚大。 - cartographers depend on gis software to aggregate data to produce data-rich maps
制图人员依靠gis软件集成数据,从而制作数据丰富的地图。 - Find a good cartographer . though his maps may cost more, they are extremely accurate
找一个好制图师。价钱可能有点贵,但是一分钱一分货嘛。 - Mapmakers, or cartographers, have devised a grid of lines which criss-cross the globe
地图绘制工作者发有了一些网格线,这些网格线纵横交错地分布在整个球体上。 - Sinomaps press, the only national cartographer in china, has a mere 20 people in its electronic-mapping division
中国地图出版社是中国唯一一家国有地图制作单位,但其电子地图部门仅有20名员工。 - Letter of 21 june 1994 to the governor tendering advice on the proposed creation of a new rank of assistant cartographer in the cartographer grade
常委会就在制图师职系增设助理制图制图师职级于一九九四年六月二十一日呈交总督提供意见的函件 - Letter of 21 june 1994 to the governor tendering advice on the proposed creation of a new rank of assistant cartographer in the cartographer grade
常委会就在制图师职系增设助理制图制图师职级于一九九四年六月二十一日呈交总督提供意见的函件 - cartographer is a simple, efficient object relational mapper engine . it provides rapid access to relational data using lightweight data and factory java objects
这是个简单、有效的对象-关系映射工具。它使用轻量级数据和工厂对象实现对关系数据的快速访问。 - In this paper, the symbol design method and visual element management method are presented . the cartographer can design any kind of line style to decorate thematic map with symbol design tools
本文从可视化要素的制作和管理以及如何提高制图效率三个方面探讨了在地理信息系统中的地图整饰方法。 - It's difficult to see cartographers in a sentence. 用cartographers造句挺难的
- Australia is in the wrong place ( though cartographers no longer doubt that australia and new zealand were discovered by chinese seamen centuries before captain cook arrived on the scene )
澳大利亚的方位也不正确(但在中国航海员先于库克船长几个世纪发现的澳大利亚和新西兰上,地图绘制专家们已不再怀疑)。 - The protagonist of the film is a young cartographer who is dating a typist . however, one night s romance makes the girlfriend pregnant . without a choice, the protagonist can only marry her
故事的主角是一名年青绘图师,与打字员女友渐生爱慕之情,但一夕风流却令女友怀了孕,男的只好无奈地选择结婚,可是婚后的生活却是他们所不能承受的。 - Two years ago government cartographers in north-eastern china said some local government websites had “ seriously threatened national security ” by displaying secret maps with contours, elevations and grid lines
两年前,中国东北的官方制图人员曾指出,一些地方政府在其网站对外展示了机密地图,此类地图包含了等高线、坐标线和海拔高度等信息,这种做法严重危害了国家安全。 - The author also believes that the research of geo-information tupu, a new methodology of spatial and temperal geographical analysis could be one of the breakthroughs to the cartography innovation in 21th century, cartographers have both the predominance and the potential in this field
提出开展地学信息图谱的探索研究,并作为地图创新的切入点之一,这样地图学家就具备了有利的优势和潜能。 - The symbols used by one cartographer can be saved and moved between different pc, then different cartographers may use the same symbols to design map and get the same map result . how to quickly design a map is discussed finally
最后从实际工程需要出发,研究如何提高海量数据的制图效率,引入了模板库的概念,利用模板库保存符号、比例尺、图例、指北针等的风格样式,制图者通过模板库来共享劳动成果。 - The symbols used by one cartographer can be saved and moved between different pc, then different cartographers may use the same symbols to design map and get the same map result . how to quickly design a map is discussed finally
最后从实际工程需要出发,研究如何提高海量数据的制图效率,引入了模板库的概念,利用模板库保存符号、比例尺、图例、指北针等的风格样式,制图者通过模板库来共享劳动成果。 - It is respectively : production, facility for transporting operates personnel : jockey of lathe work, milling, grinding work, boring labour, solderer, modular machine tool, machining center jockey, casting matchs benchwork, besmear to install ship-fitter of ship-fitter of equipment of benchwork of labour, tool, boiler, electric machinery, discretion to control ship-fitter of appearance of ship-fitter of appearance of instrument of electric equipment ship-fitter, electron, electrical engineering instrument, machine; irrigation works of aricultural herd fishing produces personnel : inspector of quarantine of the member that animal epidemic disease prevents and cure, animal, firedamp produces work; personnel of line of business of commerce, service : the member that assistant, bagman, publication is issued, chinese traditional medicine purchase and sale, clerk of the member that the division of division of appraisal appraisal division, chinese style noodle, chinese style noodle, western-style cook division, western-style noodle division, division that move wine, nutrition distributes food, dining-room, antechamber clerk, client clerk, health care; handle affairs personnel and concerned personnel : secretary, public relations member, the member that terminal of communication of computer operator, cartographer, operator, user is maintained
分别是:生产、运输设备操作人员:车工、铣工、磨工、镗工、焊工、组合机床操作工、加工中心操作工、铸配钳工、涂装工、工具钳工、锅炉设备装配工、电机装配工、高低压电器装配工、电子仪器仪表装配工、电工仪器仪表装配工、机修钳工、汽车修理工、摩托车维修工、精密仪器仪表修理工、锅炉设备安装工、变电设备安装工、维修电工、计算机维修工、手工木工、精细木工、音响调音员、贵金属首饰手工制作工、土石方机械操作工、砌筑工、混凝土工、钢筋工、架子工、防水工、装饰装修工、电气设备安装工、管工、汽车驾驶员、起重装卸机械操作工、化学检验工、食品检验工、纺织纤维检验工、贵金属首饰钻石检验员、防腐蚀工;农林牧渔水利生产人员:动物疫病防治员、动物检疫检验员、沼气生产工;商业、服务业人员:营业员、推销员、出版物发行员、中药购销员、鉴定估价师、中式面点师、中式面点师、西式烹调师、西式面点师、调酒师、营养配菜员、餐厅服务员、前厅服务员、客户服务员、保健按摩师、职业指导员、物业指导员、物业治理员、锅炉操作工、美容师、美发师、摄影师、眼镜验光员、眼镜定配工、家用电子产品维修工、家用电器产品维修工、照相器材维修工、钟表维修工、办公设备维修工、保育员、家政服务员、养老护理员;办事人员和有关人员:秘书、公关员、计算机操作员、制图员、话务员、用户通信终端维修员。 - Symbolizing the geographic information is the key problem in the mapping process, which is the most important factor to affect the efficiency of the mapping . in order to improve the mapping efficiency, the concept of template is cited in this paper to help the cartographer to design the map
在本论文最后选取实验数据对线型符号定制便捷性做了验证,制作了交通图、行政区划图,还制作了一些常用的线型,最后结合天津数字林业项目,验证了制图的效率提高的程度。 - It is pointed out that cartographers should actively promote the informationization of cartographical industry and reorganization on the mapping agency, innovatively map design and map making on scientific conception, develop the electronic atlas market when cartography science is coming into the internet era, facing the chances of the globalized new economy and the social demands for remote-education
地图科学即将进入互联网络时代,面对经济全球化的机遇、信息产业的兴起、远程教育的社会需求,呼吁地图科学工作者积极拓进地图产业的信息化与结构调整,创新设计科学深加工的地图精品,开拓电子地图新局面。 - The fierce antarctic winter is just setting in when an intrepid team of explorers and scientists on a research mission-survival guide jerry shepard paul walker, his best friend and cartographer cooper jason biggs and the rugged geologist davis bruce greenwood-just narrowly escape a fatal accident, thanks to their steadfast team of eight skilled sled dogs
如何用cartographers造句,用cartographers造句,cartographers in a sentence, 用cartographers造句和cartographers的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。