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  • Found in the liver, this enzyme is a 25-hydroxyvitamin D ( calcidiol ), which is the major circulatory form of the vitamin.
  • I am aware that the conversion of calcidiol to calcitriol ( 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol ) is a large part in how PTH affects the kidneys.
  • Higher levels of calcidiol positively correlate with aorta and carotid calcified atherosclerotic plaque in African Americans but not with coronary plaque, whereas individuals of European descent have an opposite, negative association.
  • The gene product which it encodes, vitamin D 25-hydroxylase, has therefore been proposed as the key enzyme in the conversion of cholecalciferol ( vitamin D 3 ) to calcidiol.
  • However, it is then possible that there are no benefits for the heart due to the higher calcidiol levels at all, so in an RCT you could well see nothing at all.
  • Vitamin D deficiency is typically diagnosed by measuring the concentration of the prehormone calcidiol ( 25-hydroxyvitamin D ) in the blood . which is a precursor to the active form 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D ( calcitriol ).
  • This is one of the arguments for higher calcidiol levels ( 120 nmol / l or higher instead of 50 nmol / l ) despite there not being strong evidence for better health outcomes for adults, or that evidence being disputed.
  • In this article, you can deduce from the relation between vitamin D dose and increase in calcidiol concentration, that the half life of calcidiol is not constant, it depends on the calcidiol level until you reach values of about 200 nmol / l.
  • In this article, you can deduce from the relation between vitamin D dose and increase in calcidiol concentration, that the half life of calcidiol is not constant, it depends on the calcidiol level until you reach values of about 200 nmol / l.
  • In this article, you can deduce from the relation between vitamin D dose and increase in calcidiol concentration, that the half life of calcidiol is not constant, it depends on the calcidiol level until you reach values of about 200 nmol / l.
  • It's difficult to see calcidiol in a sentence. 用calcidiol造句挺难的
  • Calcidiol is subsequently converted by the action of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 1-alpha-hydroxylase to calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D 3 that binds to the vitamin D receptor ( VDR ) which mediates most of the physiological actions of the vitamin.
  • Vitamin D 3 ( or cholecalciferol ) is converted to 25-hydroxyvitamin D ( or calcidiol ) by the liver, from where it is transported via the circulation to the kidneys where it is converted into the active hormone, 1, 25 dihydroxyvitamin D 3.
  • According to recent research, mother's milk contains enough vitamin D for the baby ( more than 400 IU per liter ) provided the mother's calcidiol level is above 120 nmol / l, which requires a daily intake for the mother of at least 4000 IU / day.
  • These include parathyroid hormone ( PTH ), 25-hydroxyvitamin D ( 25 ( OH ) vitamin D; calcidiol ), 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D ( 1, 25 ( OH ) 2 vitamin D; calcitriol ), and other vitamin D metabolites, fibroblast growth factor 23 ( FGF-23 ), and growth hormone.
  • Compared to 1810, almost everyone living today is severely vitamin D deficient ( 50 nmol / l calcidiol levels are considered sufficient today, while the natural level attained by people who are outside all day long can be as high as 200 nmol / l or higher ), and that has an impact on the immune system as explained here . talk ) 16 : 52, 17 August 2011 ( UTC)
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