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  • Cagayan de oro beckons with its white water rafting , kayaking , and the garden of malasag eco - tourism village
    Cagayan de oro的白色木排、皮划艇和malasag生态旅游村的花园招唤着你。
  • It begins at baler , quezon province , at the south eastern part of luzon and crosses isabela , nueva vizcaya , and cagayan province in the north eastern tip of the island
    她从吕宋岛的南方奎松省的巴勒尔起,越过吕宋岛东南部伊萨贝拉、 nueva vizcaya和卡噶彦至岛的的东北角。
  • Also known as the maharlika highway , the road network runs from manila to laoag city via cagayan valley in northern luzon and from manila to davao in mindanao via bicol in southern luzon and samar and leyte in eastern visayas
    以M A H A R L I K A命名的高速公路向北从马尼拉至L A O A G市,并有从马尼拉经吕宋南部的B I C O L地区与维萨亚的萨马鱼垒迪到棉兰老的达澳市的公路网。
  • It's difficult to see cagayan in a sentence. 用cagayan造句挺难的
如何用cagayan造句,用cagayan造句cagayan in a sentence, 用cagayan造句和cagayan的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。