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  • Romanian attacking midfielder ianis zicu returns from his loan to parma ( where he had been since last summer ) and has been loaned to dinamo bucuresti until 30 june 2006
    罗马尼亚的攻击型中场伊亚尼斯.齐库从帕尔马结束租借返回(自从上个夏天他就一直在帕尔马效力) ,然后被俱乐部转租到了家乡的布加勒斯特迪那摩队直到2006年的6月30日
  • It's difficult to see bucuresti in a sentence. 用bucuresti造句挺难的
如何用bucuresti造句,用bucuresti造句bucuresti in a sentence, 用bucuresti造句和bucuresti的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。