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  • Initially, new students are wary of the wobbly BOSU surface.
  • The company named the tool " Bosu ."
  • Doing crunches on a Bosu requires balance while working the abdominal muscles.
  • Bosu bridges the gap between personal training and group fitness,
  • Exercises with hand weights were also performed on the Bosu.
  • Earlier this year, Crunch in Los Angeles launched the BOSU Bootcamp.
  • While yoga has a natural feel, the same cannot be said for Bosu.
  • First, losing balance on the BOSU means stepping down, not falling down.
  • Bosu beginners feel the most stress on their ankles as they struggle to maintain balance.
  • In a class at Crunch, everyone began by walking in place on the Bosu.
  • It's difficult to see bosu in a sentence. 用bosu造句挺难的
  • Krauss believes Bosu will equal the popularity of step aerobics, which emerged in the 1980s.
  • The Bosu can be flipped over, flat side up, for squat thrusts and push-ups.
  • Hogan had his doubts about the BOSU's appeal when he started teaching the class nine months ago.
  • He had a deep connection with " Bongiya Bijnan Parishad ", founded by Satyendra Nath Bosu.
  • Participants have so much fun bouncing on the BOSU that they don't realize how much work goes into the class.
  • First book of LokShiksha was " BishwaPorichoy " by Tagore himself, which the poet dedicated to Satyendra Nath Bosu.
  • "In the BOSU class, you have to think about what you're doing and pay attention to your body.
  • Pratibha Bosu was an accomplished singer in her teens but later concentrated on literature and became a distinguished writer in her own right.
  • BOSU, short for " both sides up, " has a platform on one side and a cushioned dome on the other.
  • In Kolkata, the first " Baroyari " Durga Puja was organised in 1910 by the " SanatanDharmotsahini Sabha " at Balaram Bosu Ghat Road, Bhawanipur.
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