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  • Mazvikadei Dam is also located north of Banket.
  • Banket were among the pioneers of electronic pop music in Slovakia and Czechoslovakia in the 1980s.
  • In 2008 Banket gained international fame following a series of politically motivated abductions of supporters of the opposition party.
  • From the University, Andrej became a member of the Army Artistic Ensemble, where he met Banket until 1990.
  • EXP-ZIMBABWE-FARMERS ( Banket, Zimbabwe ) _ White commercial farmers here help feed the nation and fuel the economy.
  • Ford's small dog, a Jack Russel terrier, curled up next to his body which was covered with a blue banket.
  • At the Banket country club, where dozens of farmers met recently to consider their options, union leaders pleaded with members to stay put.
  • Banket grew as a service centre for the surrounding mines and commercial farms, and has suffered from the downscaling of chromite mining in Zimbabwe.
  • Previously, it fell within the breadbasket region ( from Banket-Shamva ) where much of foodstuffs and the golden leaf were being produced.
  • Ford's small dog, Squeak, a Jack Russel terrier, curled up next to his body which was covered with a blue banket.
  • It's difficult to see banket in a sentence. 用banket造句挺难的
  • Banket made their first performance in 1984 at the Bratislava Lyre pop festival with the song " Nespoznan?" ( " Unknown " ).
  • The first edition of the book Banket u Hrvatskoj ( Banquet in Croatia ) was published in 1991 and the second ( slightly revised edition ) was published in 1999.
  • Amid tears and smiles, farmers embraced their wives and children at a reunion site in the nearby town of Banket, 23 kilometers ( 14 miles ) south of Chinhoyi.
  • These early hits were ( although not all of them ) for the first time issued on a CD on the 1994 greatest hits album " Banket  84  91 ".
  • "Maybe the CFU should have been more proactive, " said Tim Reynolds, chairman of the Cattle Producers Association and a farmer in the town of Banket, north of here.
  • A black settler on one farm in the Banket tobacco and corn district fired a pistol in the air in an effort to drive the owner and his black workers away Monday, Williams said.
  • The town has three primary schools ( Kuwadzana, St Georges and Banket Primary ) and two secondary schools ( Kuwadzana High School and the Catholic-church-owned Sacred Heart Secondary School ).
  • Nicolle obtained a High Court order in September freezing a government eviction notice on his property in Banket, 95 kilometers ( 60 miles ) northwest of Harare on grounds there were errors in the notice.
  • It's a sidewalk theater of prostitutes strutting in leather mini skirts, evangelical Christians trudging up Banket Street in white and green robes, housewives looking like exotic flowers in bright, traditional Zairean dress.
  • Five young militants in green uniforms were posted at the farm while Schultz was being harangued by militants inside the police station in Banket, a farming center 90 kilometers ( 55 miles ) northwest of Harare.
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