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  • All are in their 30s except Awadh, who is 29.
  • No, Ahmed Ibrahim Awadh had not risen from the grave.
  • Awadh said, " We thank Kenyans for their prayers ."
  • Even the word Evaz is now predominantly replaced with " Awadh"
  • Important concentrations exists in the Doab, Rohilkhand, and Awadh.
  • They claim to have come from Awadh some three hundred years.
  • Their customs are similar to other Muslims in the Awadh region.
  • Their trained armies stood ready to assist Awadh at short notice.
  • Awadh is unemployed and has no known political affiliations, Sanabani added.
  • Awadh's lawyer told the court he would appeal the sentence.
  • It's difficult to see awadh in a sentence. 用awadh造句挺难的
  • Police arrested Awadh and found another grenade in his pocket.
  • They were started during the reign of the Awadh Nawabs.
  • In Awadh, the Rayeen Kunjra now form a distinct endogamous group.
  • The Bawarchi and rakabdars of Awadh gave birth to the warqi parathas.
  • These Baloch are descendants of mercenaries brought by the Nawabs of Awadh.
  • They are often the petty shopkeepers in the villages of north Awadh.
  • Rohilkhand was handed over to the Nawab Vazir of Awadh.
  • About three centuries ago, these Chaurasia settled in Awadh.
  • Hafiz Abul Barkat held important positions at Awadh and Deccan.
  • Awadh's family has been quoted as saying he is psychologically disturbed.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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