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  • At first, the film's cockeyed audaciousness keeps you hooked.
  • And the costumey audaciousness is one that fashion insiders adore.
  • Like Blankers-Koen, she has a kind of necessary audaciousness to succeed.
  • And the movie struggles between the audaciousness of its premise and an underlying defensiveness.
  • The audaciousness of the act incensed her.
  • His perseverance is matched by his audaciousness.
  • He was dubbed by his comrades " The Colonel " for his audaciousness in spite of his youth.
  • According to Leonard, St . Theresa read the same text as an illustration of Mary's audaciousness.
  • And now the Cowboys have worn out their welcome, I sense, via a combination of audaciousness and excellence.
  • "Patience " slips into political hectoring and amateurish acting, but it keeps sweeping you forward with sheer audaciousness.
  • It's difficult to see audaciousness in a sentence. 用audaciousness造句挺难的
  • The gallows humor of " Charlie, the Methadone Man, " too, wins points for sheer audaciousness . 3 Stars.
  • "( Viewers ) are laughing in an ironic vein at the audaciousness, at the unapologetic sleaziness, " says Burke.
  • But Linbeck, with Texas-style audaciousness, wants to engineer a populist uprising to replace the income tax code with a national sales tax.
  • Stone, a man famously drawn to audaciousness, agreed to Fox's request that he be cast in the lead group of Alexander's cavalry.
  • But on a scale that measures audaciousness and the anger of one's message, Lee's racial and pop culture history lesson is off the charts.
  • Eckleberg, there's nothing silent about Singleton's observations, and his movies'audaciousness have often upset various segments of the African-American community.
  • And in recent months, Batlle has taken his audaciousness on to the world stage by becoming the first leader of a Latin American country to call for the legalization of drugs.
  • Following a fire in a girls'school that killed 15 students in the holy city of Mecca in March, the Saudi press displayed an audaciousness that was out of character.
  • That flamboyant Gallic phrase " Audace "-Audaciousness-made a big entry and " Les Blues " hope it will become their motto up to the July 12 final.
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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