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  • Examples might be the inuit32 in alaska or the kayapo33 in amazonia
  • A number of examples can be given of the way in which natural environments are being rapidly changed - amazonia , for instance
  • For decades , the prevailing hypothesis about miocene amazonia held that a shallow sea swamped the region for much of that epoch
  • Understanding how and when the amazon river came to be is essential for uncovering the details of how it shaped the evolution of life in amazonia
  • The new interpretations also explain how creatures that usually live only in the ocean ? among them dolphins ? now thrive in the inland rivers and lakes of amazonia
  • The inaccessibility of this remote region , now called amazonia , meant that long - held theories about the early days of the river and surrounding forest were speculative at best
  • She has explored rivers in amazonia , the andes , the himalayas and the sultanate of oman to identify the influence of these sedimentary environments on local vegetation
  • This somber prediction comes out of the latest findings of the large scale biosphere / atmosphere experiment in amazonia , the most ambitious field project ever done in a tropical ecosystem
  • Despite the growing evidence against a long - lived seaway in miocene amazonia , the strontium signatures in the mollusks revealed that this enormous lake system did experience occasional salinity increases
  • It's difficult to see amazonia in a sentence. 用amazonia造句挺难的
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