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  • Ahmad said 80 settlers who made similar payments for houses in Desa Alamanda, Senawang, were also expected to encounter the same problem.
  • He maintained a brick and stucco ranch home on Alamanda Way, where he kept a pet cocker spaniel and a 20-foot fishing boat.
  • The trobairitz is probably identical with the "'Alamanda de Castelnau "'or "'Castelnou "'who was born around 1160.
  • The victims, identified as Akang BT, 41, and Aminau AC, 44, were robbed late on Friday night when they were heading to the Alamanda hotel in Petamburan after visiting Plaza Indonesia.
  • The " Bleeding Heart " or Clerodendron thomsonii and the Alamanda cathartica are examples how some shrubs can be made to grow " upright " through pruning and grooming to grow in pots or containers.
  • Interestingly, a tenso between Giraut de Bornelh and Alamanda de Castelnau closely matches the structure of " A chantar m'er de so qu'ieu non volria " ( I must sing a song I'd rather not ).
  • To date, the official flower of Petaling Jaya is inai merah, Subang Jaya ( kenanga ), Ampang Jaya ( tanjung ), Sabak Bernam ( bougainvillea ), Kajang ( cempaka ), Selayang ( rose ), Klang ( marigold ) and Kuala Langat ( alamanda ).
  • It's difficult to see alamanda in a sentence. 用alamanda造句挺难的
如何用alamanda造句,用alamanda造句alamanda in a sentence, 用alamanda造句和alamanda的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。