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trespass 同义词

  1. encroachment, violation, intrusion, usurpation
    英文释义: 名词 entry to another''s property without right or permission

  1. transgress, overstep
    英文释义: 动词 pass beyond (limits or boundaries)

  1. sin, transgress
    英文释义: 动词 commit a sin; violate a law of God or a moral law

  1. take advantage
    英文释义: 动词 make excessive use of; "You are taking advantage of my good will!"; "She is trespassing upon my privacy"

  1. intrude
    英文释义: 动词 enter unlawfully on someone''s property; "Don''t trespass on my land!"


  • trespass 英文释义:entry to another''s property without right or permission
  • trespass 中文翻译n.侵入;【体育】非法侵入[犯];侵入(私人)房屋[土地];侵害诉讼;(宗教道德上的)干犯,罪过;叨扰,打扰 (on; upon)。 One trespass more I must make on your patience. 还有一件事要叨扰。 timber trespass 木材盗伐。vi.1.侵占,侵入(土地等);侵犯,侵害(权利等)(on; upon); 〔古语〕干犯天理;违犯,犯罪 (against)。2.〔客气话〕叨扰,打扰,妨碍 (on; upon).3.〔古语〕罪。vt.违犯;破坏。 I shall trespass on your hospitality. 我要来叨扰你了。 May I trespass on you for that book 请你拿[借]那本书给我好吗?n.-er trespass 的人 (Trespassers will be prosecuted. (告白)侵入者扭交法办)。
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