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trench 同义词

  1. deep, oceanic abyss
    英文释义: 名词 a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor

  1. ditch
    英文释义: 动词 cut a trench in, as for drainage; "ditch the land to drain it"; "trench the fields"

  1. impinge, encroach, entrench
    英文释义: 动词 impinge or infringe upon; "This impinges on my rights as an individual"; "This matter entrenches on other domains"


  • trench 英文释义:a ditch dug as a fortification having a parapet of the excavated earth
  • trench 中文翻译n.特伦奇〔姓氏〕。vt.掘沟,开畦沟;掘翻(田地),深耕;【军事】掘壕沟,用战壕防守;【木工】作沟槽;切断,切开。vi.【军事】挖战壕,掘壕前进 (down; along); 切断;侵犯,侵占(权利、土地等) (on; upon); 接近 (on; upon)。n.沟,渠;【军事】战壕,壕沟;【林业】防火线。 a cover trench 掩蔽壕。 a fire trench 散兵壕。 mount the trenches 进战壕布防。 open the trenches 掘战壕,开沟。 relieve the trenches 和战壕里的兵换班。 search the trenches (用开花弹等)攻击战壕
  • trench 法语翻译:军服式雨衣
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