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gird 同义词

  1. arm, build up, fortify
    英文释义: 动词 prepare oneself for a military confrontation; "The U.S. is girding for a conflict in the Middle East"; "troops are building up on the Iraqi border"

  1. encircle
    英文释义: 动词 bind with something round or circular

  1. girdle
    英文释义: 动词 put a girdle on or around; "gird your loins"


  • gird 英文释义:prepare oneself for a military confrontation; "The U.S. is girding for a conflict in the Middle East"; "troops are building up on the Iraqi border"
  • gird 中文翻译vt.1.缠,束;佩(剑)。2.装备;赋与(权力) (with)。3.围绕,包围着 (with)。4.〔gird oneself〕 准备 (for)。短语和例子vi.准备。vi.嘲笑 (at)。vt.嘲笑。n.嘲笑。adv.-ingly
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