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due 同义词

  1. ascribable, imputable, referable
    英文释义: 形容词 capable of being assigned or credited to; "punctuation errors ascribable to careless proofreading"; "the cancellation of the concert was due to the rain"; "the oversight was not imputable to him"


  • due 英文释义:that which is deserved or owed; "give the devil his due"
  • due 中文翻译adj.1.(债款等)当付的,应该付给的;(票据等)到期(的),满期(的)。2.(车、船等按时间)应到达的;预期的,约定的〔只用作表语〕。3.应有的;应做的;正当的,当然的;适当的,充分的;正式;照例。4.应给与的,应归与的;起因于…,由于 (to)。短语和例子adv.(罗盘指针,方向等)正(南、北等)。 a due north wind 正北风。 The wind is due east. 风是正东风。n.1.应得物,正当报酬,当然权利,应得权益。2.〔常 pl.〕 应付款;税;费用;手续费;租费;会费。短语和例子
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