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confidence 同义词

  1. assurance, self-assurance, self-confidence, authority, sureness
    英文释义: 名词 freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities; "his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular"; "after that failure he lost his confidence"; "she spoke with authority"

  1. trust
    英文释义: 名词 a trustful relationship; "he took me into his confidence"; "he betrayed their trust"


  • confidence 英文释义:freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities; "his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular"; "after that failure he lost his confidence"; "she spoke with authority"
  • confidence 中文翻译n.1.信任,信赖。2.自信,确信;自恃。3.(偷偷吐露的)秘密,心事。4.(多指怀恶意的)胆量;厚脸,无耻。短语和例子adj.骗得信任的,欺诈的。 a confidence tricker 骗子。
  • confidence 法语翻译:音标:[kɔ̃fidãs]n.f. 隐情,知心话,秘密话en ~ 秘密地confidencef.秘密近义词aveu, révélation
confidence的同義詞confidence相同意義的詞匯confidence synonyms