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cache 同义词

  1. memory cache
    英文释义: 名词 (computer science) RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage that is continually updated; used to optimize data transfers between system elements with different characteristics

  1. hoard, stash
    英文释义: 名词 a secret store of valuables or money

  1. hoard, stash, lay away, hive up, squirrel away
    英文释义: 动词 save up as for future use


  • cache 英文释义:a hidden storage space (for money or provisions or weapons)
  • cache 中文翻译n.1.(探险者等贮藏粮食、器材等的)暗窖,密藏处。2.贮藏物。3.【计算机】高速缓冲内存。vt.1.贮藏;密藏;窖藏。2.【计算机】把…储存到硬盘上。
  • cache 法语翻译:音标:[ka∫]动词变位提示:cache是cacher的变位形式n.f. 藏物处,藏匿处,躲藏处n.m. 遮挡卡片,遮挡纸片专业辞典1. n.m.【计】高速缓(冲)存(储器)[即mémoire cache]2.n.m.【摄】(局部)遮挡纸片,遮挡盖片[用于印相]cachef.保护罩;外套;罩cachem高速缓冲存储器cache bornem.端钮盖cache boutonm.按钮保护罩;旋钮盖cache ceinturem.履带罩cache culbuteurm.摇臂罩cache filsm.端钮盖cache flammem.灭火罩cache mémoirem.高速缓冲存储器cache potm.花盆套cache poussièrem.防尘罩cache radiateurm.caché音标:[ka∫e]动词变位提示:caché是cacher的变位形式a.(m) 1藏起的,隐藏的,藏匿的 2隐瞒的,隐秘的,掩盖的1. hide的过去分词;隐藏的;秘密的藏着;隐藏;躲藏;[计算机]隐藏的2. 不明言的;以面罩遮掩的;隐藏的近义词clandestin, occulte, secret, souterrain / 散热器保温[套、罩]cache rideaum.窗帘盒cache rouem.车轮盖cache soupapem.活门盖cache tringlem.挺杆套近义词abri, asile, cachette, planque, refuge, retraite, cache-col, écharpe, string
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