At time he was almost seductively charming; at other times he was boorish and obtuse . 他有时几乎表现得妩媚动人,有时却土里土气象个十足的笨伯。
While the little one danced seductively on the cafeteria table 那时她妹妹在餐厅桌子上大跳艳舞
And they glanced around so seductively in their humiliation in search of a buyer 他们四处张望搜寻买主,姿态撩人。
But she leaned not imperatively , not seductively , but wistfully and humbly 偎依得并不迫切,也不挑逗,却是一往情深而卑躬屈节。
And they glanced around so seductively in their humiliation in search of a buyer 在这样的羞耻中,他们又是那样的诱惑着寻找买家。
1 the concept of military necessity is seductively broad , and has a dangerous plasticity 所谓的军事需要乃是一个诱惑力很宽泛的概念,其有着危险的可塑性。
The liquid lip with the shellac - shine . high - veneer , potently patent , seductively smooth , unabashedly synthetic . the high - powered lip dip that ' s all - in - one deep - packed with colour , gloss and long - wearing shine 用后感:一支好臭及只颜色好难推开的液体唇膏,同唇彩差不多,不过颜色较实,但这支液体唇膏好臭,与厕所香水味相近,而且每次搽了都有一达达色的情况,依价钱论,完全不值。
At last the tsar stood still beside the last of his partners he had danced with three , the music ceased . an anxious - looking adjutant ran up to the rostovs , begging them to move a little further back , though they were already close to the wall , and from the orchestra came the circumspect , precise , seductively , stately rhythm of the waltz 国王终于在他的最后一个舞伴他和三个舞伴一同跳过舞身旁停步,停止奏乐了,一个颇为操心的副官跑着碰上了罗斯托夫一家人,虽然他们都站在墙脚边,但是这个副官还请他们再让开一点,这时合唱团奏起了清晰的从容的引人入胜的富于节奏的华尔兹舞曲。
in a tempting seductive manner; "she smiled at him seductively" 同义词:temptingly, temptingly,
in a tempting seductive manner; "she smiled at him seductively" 同义词:temptingly, temptingly,