The girls of fanny's generation were not enabled to purchase sixteen pages of excitement for a penny, rich with histories of crime, murder, oppressed virtue, and the heartless seductions of the aristocracy . 芬妮这一代的女孩子,还不能花一便士就获得十六页的有趣享受,看到许多罪恶和凶杀故事,以及好人如何受欺侮,贵族如何毫无心肝地勾引妇女等等。
It ' ll make the whole seduction part less repugnant 这样我勾引你就不会惹你反感了
The colour of this gemstone is pure seduction 的颜色是极为诱惑人的。
It ' s being used for your seduction 这东西被你来当作礼物送给她了?
Seduction has no two finer allies 没有比这两样更能诱惑人的组合了
You ' re forgetting the last seduction 你正在忘记最后的勾引。