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  • This article reviews and rethinks the three different but crossed approaches to integrate language - the approaches of being european , being classical chinese and being oral dialect , and then comes to the conclusion that the combination of all language resources is still the direction to the modern chinese literature in the new century
    文章对现代汉语文学“欧化” 、 “文言” 、 “方言口语”三条互异而交叉的语言整合路向进行了梳理和反思,并认为对“古今中外”各种语言资源的“杂糅调和”依然是新世纪现代汉语文学前行的方向。
  • Furthermore , the teaching thoughts guided by confucianism has been showing it ' s vitality , for example , the thought of teaching students according to their different levels , the thought of teachers and students could benefit from each other , the eliciting teaching method and studying step by step are still widely used in teaching practice
    此外,儒家的教育方法也同样具有强大的生命力,它的因材施教的思想、教学相长的思想,它的启发式、积渐式教学方法等等至今应用广泛。而作为高中教学的指挥棒? ?高考试卷,从近十年的文言试题的选文来看,也深刻反映出儒学的影响。
  • We begin with tuan ( commentary on the decision ) as the fundamental guideline of the management philosophy of zhou yi , further investigate the thoughts about decision management contained in hsiang ( commentary on the decision ) , wen yen ( commentary on qian and kun ) , guaci ( a short statement ) and yaoci ( a line statement ) , make sense of the ways of heaven and the manners of man , and finally enter the supreme state of the art of management , which is the middle way between qian and kun as well as hardness and softness
    首先从乾卦之《家传》出发,认为此为《周易》管理哲学的塞本纲领,进而一层层探讨乾卦中的《象传》 、 《文言》 、卦辞、爻辞中的决策管理思想,从天道运行至人事的应用层层相贯通,最后指出能达到乾坤并健、冈鳄柔并济的中和之美,才是管理艺术的最高境界。
  • He put forward " literary form revolution " , and put forward the reforms of the literary form of the journals , and made the new form of literary with the features of concision and unobstructed and abounding emotion an intermediate transition between chinese classical literatures to the modem writings
    梁启超在办报业务上有一种精益求精的执着,提出了一系列的改进报刊编辑工作的要求。他提出“文界革命” ,提出报章文体的改革,其简明、通畅、富于感情的新文体成为文言向近代白话文过渡的中间环节。
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