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  • He was able to push boundaries and test audience reactions and across the industry was receiving attention and acclaim , which was to lead to his first blockbuster
  • But many also will be stars of the future , not quite household names yet , for whom this is the chance to burst on to the world scene and make their name
  • Secretive and determined scorpio is doomed to be an outstanding person , who will make a great coup in 2007 . thus , they might have more breakthroughs than the past years
    行事私密、意志坚定的天蝎座的人注定是非凡之人, 2007年会是他们一鸣惊人的一年。因此,今年天蝎座会比往年有更多突破。
  • As the newest stuntman in hollywood , you must rise to stardom by combining reckless maneuvering with perfect execution to unlock big - budget blockbusters and lucrative commercial deals
  • We are each of an unsocial , taciturn disposition , unwilling to speak , unless we expect to say something that will amaze the whole room , and be handed down to posterity with all the eclat of a proverb .
    你我的性格跟人家都不大合得来,又不愿意多说话,难得开口,除非想说几句一鸣惊人的话,让大家当作格言来流传千古。 ”
  • The 13 - year old queen of naboo in episode iii was played by keisha castle - hughes , who at the time of her casting was gaining critical acclaim for her breakthrough debut role as paikea " pai " apirana in whale rider
    《星球大战iii 》中的十三岁的纳布女王是由凯莎?卡索?休斯扮演,她曾在《鲸骑士》一片中因扮演毛利族少女酋长“阿派”而一鸣惊人
  • A native of australia , ledger shot to fame as a teen heartthrob in 10 things i hate about you before graduating to more adult roles , most notably his oscar - nominated turn in brokeback mountain
  • This week it confirmed it approved a cheap , copycat version of a blockbuster heart disease medication - the first time a developing country has torn up the international patent for treatments like this - and a generic version of an aids drug
    这周他们宣告一鸣惊人信息,说成功研发出了一种廉价的治疗心脏疾病的仿制药物- -这是发展中国家第一次撕碎国际专利特权- -并生产出爱滋病普通仿制药。
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