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用"parametrization"造句"parametrization"怎么读"parametrization" in a sentence


  • 参量化法
  • 参数化法


  • Parametrization of reduced - order function observers for linear systems
  • Development technology of component parametrization design based on solidworks
  • Development of the assistant program with cad parametrization for hp heater design
  • Using protruding analysis - resource technology parametrization to determine open - pit mining realm
  • Adoptting the parametrization drawing method , the drawing programmes of equipment using parameter are developed
  • 3d digital modeling technology is investigated which uses the theory of parametrization , analyses the typical parts studies several key technology such as : accurately sculpting method , digital modeling technique etc . and bases for the conversion from 3d to 2d and integrating of cad / capp / cam
    基于特征三维数字化建模技术的研究:应用参数化理论和基于特征的思想,以常用零件为对象进行分析,提出了pro / e环境下的造型方法、步骤和诀窍。
  • Abstract : the feature definition and the feature classification are given firstly . then the constraint - based parametric feature model of mechanical part is set up . a graph called feature relation graph is used to represent the feature model and a dynamic linked list to build and store the model . using the oop technique , the author realized the feature model . based on the parametric feature model , the feature hierarchical parametrization is analyzed and a parametric example is also given
  • Parametrization of design process is realized by adopting object - oriented method , the main function of this system is to manage the designing parameters submitted , design , computation , analysis and select of mechanism are finished , simultaneously , the result of design is autosaved and document of design is exported
  • The parametrization three - dimensional construction drawing and engineering drawing of new - style three - disk - cycloid - driving were established on the basis of the precise force analysis and optimization design of the parameters of new - style three - disk - cycloid - driving ; the design and experimental verification of sfa45 - 59
    本文通过对三片摆线轮新型针摆传动系列精确的受力分析,强度校核及参数的优化设计,研制了sfa45 ? 59普通型样机并且通过了试验验证,从而建立了整个系列的参数化设计三维图库和工程图库。
  • 更多例句:  1  2


Parametrization (or parameterization; also parameterisation, parametrisation in British English) is the process of deciding and defining the parameters necessary for a complete or relevant specification of a model or geometric object.
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