


  1. Conclusions vitrectomy for posterior segment intraocular foreign bodies combining with retinal detachment has many advantages : accurate , safety , less injury , high extraction rate and avoiding traumatic proliferative vitreoretinopathy , et al
  2. Methods a retrospective survey was done in 68 complicatedly injured eyes undergoing routine closed vitreetomy due to vitreous opacity with massive hemorrhage , or with traumatic retinal detachment and proliferative vitreoretinopathy ( pvr ) , foreign bodies in posterior segment , endophthalmitis , posterior - dislocation of lens and so on , and most of them received the combined operations simultaneously
    方法回顾分析复杂眼球外伤68只眼,因玻璃体大量积血混浊、伴外伤性视网膜脱离及增生性玻璃体视网膜病变( pvr ) 、眼后段异物、眼内炎、晶体后脱位等病变,行常规闭合式玻璃体切除术,同时根据不同伴随病变联合相应的手术治疗。
  3. It's difficult to find vitreoretinopathy in a sentence. 用vitreoretinopathy造句挺难的


  1. "vitreomacular adhesion"造句
  2. "vitreorana"造句
  3. "vitreorana helenae"造句
  4. "vitreorana uranoscopa"造句
  5. "vitreoretinal"造句
  6. "vitreoscilla"造句
  7. "vitreosil"造句
  8. "vitreous"造句
  9. "vitreous adhesion"造句
  10. "vitreous bodies"造句

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