1. 带有时代的特点 bear the imprint of the time...
  2. 带有激进主义倾向的改革家 a reformer with radical lean...
  3. 带材 strip
  4. 带来 bring about
  5. 带来好的结果 bring about a good result
  6. 带来恶果 involve pernicious consequen...
  7. 带来灾难 bring on a disaster
  8. 带枷示众 parade a prisoner in a cangu...
  9. 带标号 tape label
  10. 带标识 tape identification
  11. 带状 banding
  12. 带状疱疹 herpes zoster
  13. 带球走 traveling
  14. 带电 electrization
  15. 带电粒子 charged particle
  16. 带病 in spite of illness
  17. 带病人去看病 take sb. to a doctor
  18. 带病工作 go on working in spite of on...
  19. 带着愉快的面容 bear a cheerful face
  20. 带着神奇的表情 with a miraculous look
  21. 带着茫然的神情 with vacant looks
  22. 带空调的汽车 an air-conditioned car
  23. 带笑 smilingly
  24. 带答不理 attend to sb. halfheartedly
  25. 带累 implicate
  26. 带羞 look shy
  27. 带胶邮票 adhesive stamp
  28. 带薪休假 vacation with pay
  29. 带走 carry
  30. 带路 show the way
  31. 带路人 guide
  32. 带过滤嘴的卷烟 filter-tipped cigarette
  33. 带钢 band steel
  34. 带钥匙的孩子 door-key child
  35. 带锯 panel saw
  36. 带领 lead
  37. 带领一支部队 lead an army
  38. 带领群众朝着正确的方向前进 guide the masses in the corr...
  39. 带馅煎饼 beignet
  40. 带鱼 Trichiurus haumela
  41. 帧一帧画 a roll of painting
  42. 帧扫描 frame scan
  43. 帧频 frame frequency
  44. shawl
  45. mat
  46. 席不暇暖 not to sit long enough to wa...
  47. 席丰履厚 coddle oneself
  48. 席位 seat
  49. 席卷 roll up like a mat
  50. 席卷一空 abscond with everything

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