1. 常川供给 keep sb. constantly supplied
  2. 常川往来 keep in constant touch
  3. 常州隶属江苏省 Changzhou is under the juris...
  4. 常常 frequently
  5. 常年 throughout the year
  6. 常年坚持体育锻炼 persist in physical training...
  7. 常年积雪的地方 a region of perpetual snow
  8. 常年老规 rules consecrated by time
  9. 常庄 a surname
  10. 常庄谈 Changzhuang Tan
  11. 常态 normalcy
  12. 常情 reason
  13. 常捷军 the Ever Triumphant Army
  14. 常数 constant
  15. 常春藤 ivy
  16. 常春藤攀墙往上爬 The ivy has climbed up the w...
  17. 常有之事 a matter of frequent occurre...
  18. 常有书信往来 keep up a regular correspond...
  19. 常服 suit
  20. 常来常往 frequently see each other
  21. 常染色体 autosome
  22. 常比例 constant ratio
  23. 常温 normal atmospheric temperatu...
  24. 常温动物 homoiothermal animal
  25. 常理 convention
  26. 常用 in common use
  27. 常用主文件 active master file
  28. 常用卡片 active card
  29. 常用名词表 major terms
  30. 常用字 daily words
  31. 常用实用单位 usual practical units
  32. 常用对数 common logarithm
  33. 常用电压 common voltage
  34. 常用示波器 macrooscillograph
  35. 常用箱 service tank
  36. 常用药材 medicinal herbs most in use
  37. 常用词 everyday words
  38. 常用词汇 common words
  39. 常用词语 everyday expressions
  40. 常礼 regular etiquette
  41. 常系数 constant coefficient
  42. 常绿 evergreen
  43. 常绿植物 aithullium
  44. 常绿灌木 evergreen shrubs irrigation
  45. 常绿草甸 sempervirentiherbosa
  46. 常绿防火林 evergreen firebreak
  47. 常胜 ever-victorious
  48. 常胜军 ever-victorious army
  49. 常胜将军 ever-victorious general
  50. 常衡 avoirdupois

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