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用"inductosyn"造句"inductosyn"怎么读"inductosyn" in a sentence


  • n.


  • Inductosyn displacment transducer
  • Research on dynamic angle - measuring project by amplitude discrimination mode of inductosyn
  • It provided also a large quantity of high precision hydrodynamic - hydrostatic and pneumatic spindle units , inductosyn , etc . for machine tools and aerospace industries
  • In order to increase pointing precision , the error caused by inductosyn and ad2s80a are analyzed as a focus , consequently , high precision inductosyn is used , then current iscompensated and finally the input and output differences are adjusted when
  • Abstract : based on analysis of the operational principle of the traditional inductosyn digital display meter in the paper , the contradiction between detecting resolution ratio and antidisturbance ability is discovered . and then , to resolve the contradiction , the method of demodulation technology and high frequency excitement technology being used is advanced
  • At first , according to the concrete requirement of the servo control system , a collective scheme , which provide guarantee to meet the requirements of the global performance , is established . in this scheme , the structure of gimbal and the torque motor driven mode are adopted , and angle measurement is accomplished by inductosyn and velocity measurement is accomplished by dynamically tuned gyro respectively
  • After analysing several kinds of light - weighting structures through ansys , hexagonal speculum structure is confirmed . in the aspect of the controling of speculum , the paper adopts the brushless dc motor which is partial assembled to drive the point speculum and the inductosyn as angle measuring component is selected , the ad2s80a the system is used to get directly angle and angular velocity . double closed - loop speed and position control is designed , as the pid control is the well - developed algorithm , which can achieve stable rotation and precise position control
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