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  • He wears rumpled , nondescript suits , drives his own car , drinks cherry coke , and is more likely to be found in a dairy queen than a four - star restaurant
    他穿皱巴巴的普通西装,亲自开车,常喝"樱桃可乐" ,多数情况下是光顾"戴瑞王后"这样的小饭馆,而不是四星级的豪华酒店。
  • " why , what bloodshot , draggled , dishevelled spectacle , is this ? " cried mortimer . " are my feathers so very much rumpled ? " said eugene , coolly going up to the looking - glass
    莫蒂梅惊叫道: “你怎么样,双眼充血,衣服散乱,披头散发! ”尤金说: “难道我真是那么乱蓬蓬的吗? ”她边说边冷静地走向镜子旁边。
  • The space between the rumpled sail and the boom on a hand - built kabang boat reveals a slice of sea and sky ? and other members of the flotilla ? in myanmar ' s mergui archipelago in the andaman sea
  • She smiled to herself at vagrant impulses which arose from nowhere and suggested that she rumple his hair ; while he desired greatly , when they tired of reading , to rest his head in her lap and dream with closed eyes about the future that was to be theirs
  • Some results are interesting , for example , in our calculation , there are no reconstruction in the cleaned pbte > pbse > pbs ( 001 ) surface . but there are different rumple occurs . unlike the iii - v and ii - vi semiconductors , there are no surface states in the fundamental gaps
  • Les , picturing veronica in her house , in her bed , where an elongated pink - tinged pallor had been revealed to him , like a modigliani or a fragonard , nestled in rumpled fabric , said , “ she ' s a pretty indoor kind of person
    莱一边内心勾画着维罗尼卡呆在家里躺在床上的样子,浮现眼前的她身材颀长,淡粉的肤色之中透着一丝苍白,犹如画家莫迪格利阿尼或者弗拉戈纳的画中人那样偎依在泛起褶子的织物里,一边嘴里说道: “她是那种不怎么喜欢户外活动的人。 ”
  • The echoing chamber of his soul was a narrow room , a conning tower , whence were directed his arm and shoulder muscles , his ten nimble fingers , and the swift - moving iron along its steaming path in broad , sweeping strokes , just so many strokes and no more , just so far with each stroke and not a fraction of an inch farther , rushing along interminable sleeves , sides , backs , and tails , and tossing the finished shirts , without rumpling , upon the receiving frame
  • It's difficult to see rumple in a sentence. 用rumple造句挺难的
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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